Hide only daughter lines


Viewed 111 times


I have a table as follows:

       <tr class='click-show-hide-tr'>exemplo</tr>
       <tr class='click-show-hide-tr'>exemplo</tr>
       <tr class='click-show-hide-tr'>exemplo</tr>
       <tr class='click-show-hide-tr'>exemplo</tr>

I have a script made in Jquery that every click according to the class "click-show-Hide-tr" it Mosta the next "tr" see the script below:

var toggleTable = (function () {
    var init = function(){
        $(".toggle-table tbody").on('click', '.click-show-hide-tr', function(){

    return {


Only I want to hide all the secondary lines by clicking again on the first line without affecting the other lines that are hidden or not Example:

        * Essa é a linha Principal supondo que as linhas secundarias
        * estejam à mostra ao clicar nela de novo 
        * quero esconder todas elas sem afetar 
        * as outras linhas
       <tr class='click-show-hide-tr'>exemplo</tr>
       <tr class='click-show-hide-tr'>exemplo</tr>

         * Esse é outra linha Principal com suas linhas secundarias
         * Não posso afetar nada daqui para baixo
       <tr class='click-show-hide-tr'>exemplo</tr>
       <tr class='click-show-hide-tr'>exemplo</tr>

1 answer


Your selection is probably not working properly.

The function .Closest("tr") looks for the predecessor "tr" element, while .next() looks for all successor sibling elements, ie toggle is being applied to all lines below the items that have the class '.click-show-Hide-tr'.

Example .next(): http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/tryit.asp?filename=tryjquery_traversing_next

One way to solve this can be by adding a 'selected' class to the clicked item. From it you check which lines should be hidden. Try to do so:


  // Se o item clicado nao estiver selecionado
  if(!$(this).hasClass("selecionado")) {

    // Adiciona a classe selecionado ao item

    // Mostra as linhas secundarias apenas do item selecionado
  else {
    // Esconde as linhas secundarias apenas do item selecionado

    // Remove a classe selecionado do item

  • I’m still having problems, when I click on any other line all daughter lines are hidden...

  • try to use $(".selecionado tr:first-child"); instead of $(".click-show-hide-tr.selecionado").next();

  • I got it right here !

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