Export report to PDF


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Use the pReport of the extinct VTK Tools as a report generator in the Delphi XE7. It does not have native export to PDF.
Today, I export to PDF calling a virtual printer with parameters.
But I don’t want to have to install a virtual printer on each client anymore.

How can I natively export a report to PDF?

I even thought about studying how to create a virtual printer for PDF to then create some similar algorithm... but found nothing.

  • give a look if it has in this palette of components something like Filter

  • @Júniormoreira Não possui... is an old reed, I have no way to migrate to another more modern. It has export (Filter) for Excel and HTML.

  • As it is a Report tool, I do not believe it is possible to add another. As it is old and 'extinct', I recommend you make a greater effort and build your report into a more modern model! It’s too boring to mess with it, but in case it’s necessary! Fastreport, Quickreport, both native and efficient, among others!

  • @I’ve set up a converter pReport for FastReport, but no conditions... There are many variables and many layouts cusmotizados in the clients. To make this conversion at that time of the championship is very unviable. But what I want is to be able to generate PostScript of the report and convert it to PDF. I know it’s possible, I just don’t know how yet...

  • 2

    To Gnostice has some very interesting tools I don’t know if it has support for your generator but worth a look. Another point, consider taking some open source suite and trying to adapt or create a PDF filter for your generator, I point out the Fortesreport, if you have the sources of course.

  • Patrick, just as I suggested to him to use Fastreport and Quickreport, I also know Gnostice and we use it together with Quickreport, responds well to generate PDF. As for creating Filter I also thought about this, but the level is Very High.

  • Well, in your case, the best option is actual migration. You can circumvent temporarily using applications similar to those that simulate printers, such as doPDF. When sending the print to her, just save the document.

  • I thank you all, but as I can already generate the PDF by means of a virtual printer, I’ll try to develop a Filter PDF. Any news, I inform...

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1 answer


All comments were helpful, but the best way I could find to export my reports to PFD was through the library Synopse (SynPDF).
It is very powerful and easy to use. In my case it is necessary to go through the elements of the generated report and assemble the PDF on hand, however, if the report generator exports a MetaFile (QuickReport does, for example), the job becomes much easier.

More information on the links below:
Ex. Quickreport

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