Listing files from a folder


Viewed 1,035 times


Hello I am using Jfilechooser to pick up files on the system.

Only now I need to use Jfilechooser to select folders and add all their contents in the program. I used DIRECTORIES_ONLY and it worked. Now I want to add all the files (through a file type filto (mp3)) in an arrayList and show to the user. But I’ve already searched a lot of the internet and the codes I find as a base do not serve/do not work. Could someone help me?

I need to use Jfilechooser, not . walk

Currently, I’m trying to do it this way:

adicionarPasta.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            final JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
            String diretorio = chooser.getAbsolutePath();//essa linha está com erro
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            File file = new File(diretorio);
            File afile[] = file.listFiles();
            int i = 0;
            for (int j = afile.length; i < j; i++) {
                File arquivos = afile[i];

2 answers


Using Java 8

If you want to return the objects File:

private ArrayList<File> listar(String caminho, String extensao) {
  File pasta = new File(caminho);

  return this.listar(pasta, extensao);

private ArrayList<File> listar(File pasta, String extensao) {
  ArrayList<File> arquivos;

  arquivos = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(pasta.listFiles()));
  arquivos.removeIf(arquivo -> !arquivo.getName().endsWith(extensao));

  return arquivos;

The use would be as follows:

final JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();

System.out.println(this.listar(chooser.getSelectedFile(), ".mp3"));
  • The person who downvoted can say what’s wrong so I can correct the answer?


  • It is, but I don’t want the user to add more than one file manually. What I want is a "add complete folder" with files. mp3 is a file arraylist

  • You can use the new file("Folder/path"). listFiles() :p It also returns a File[]. Just take the path of the selected folder with Jfilechooser, and iterate over the listFiles() to pass them to an Arraylist or whatever.

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