jQuery how to load a link in a div without refreshing the page?


Viewed 1,216 times


I’m doing a job for the college where the teacher asked us to use Links without refresh in it, he taught us to do but it’s not working in my case.

When I change the pages in the menu, the content should be loaded by modifying only the div with id = conteudo (remaining the header along with the menu and footer). But this is not happening... The div updates but the header, menu and footer disappear.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $(".menu a").click(function(e){
            var href =$(this).attr('href');
            $(".conteudo")load(href + ".conteudo");


    <div class="base"><!-- inicio div base -->
        <div><img id="logo" src="imagens/img/logo.jpg">
    <div class="menu"><!-- inicio menu -->
    <ul id="menu">
                <li><a href="inicio.html">Pagina Inicial</a></li>
        <li><a>O Clube +</a>
                    <ul class="submenu">
                        <li><a href="historia.html">História</a></li>
                        <li><a href="diretoria.html">Diretoria</a></li>
                    <li><a href="fotos.html">Fotos</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Contato</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Eventos</a></li>
    </div> <!-- Fim da div menu -->
    <div id="conteudo">
        <span class="trs next"></span>
        <span class="trs prev"></span>
        <div id="slider">
            <a href="#" class="trs"><img src="imagens/slideshow/panoramica.jpg" alt="Vista Panorâmica"></a>
            <a href="#" class="trs"><img src="imagens/slideshow/piscina.jpg" alt="Piscina"></a>
            <a href="#" class="trs"><img src="imagens/slideshow/clube.jpg" alt="Clube"></a>
    <div class="reservas">
        <h2>Titulos temporário e Reservas</h2>
        <p>Interessados a títulos temporários entrar em contato com a diretoria, ou pelo fone (49) 99126-8111. </p>
        <p>Reservas do clube para casamentos e festas particulares entrar em contado com Jackson Berti (Kinho) pelo fone (49) 99135-5523.</p>
    <div class="informacoes">
        <div id="info">
        <div class="end">
            <h2>Iporã Piscina Clube</h2>
            <p>Rua Anildo Heissler, s/n<br>
                Iporã do Oeste - Santa Catarina<br>
            cep: 89899-000 / fone: (49) 3634-1155</p>
        <div class="face">
            <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/page.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fiporapiscinaclube%2F&tabs=timeline&width=300&height=120&small_header=false&adapt_container_width=false&hide_cover=false&show_facepile=false&appId" 
                    width="300" height="130" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
            <div class="avaliacao">
               <FORM ACTION="mailto:[email protected]" METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="text/plain" NAME="cadastro">
                   <input type=hidden name="destino" value="[email protected]">
                <h3>Avaliação do Clube</h3>
                Nome Completo:<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="nome" SIZE="35"><br>
                Seu e-mail:<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="email" SIZE="35"><br>
                Reclamações, Melhorias e Elogios: 
                <TEXTAREA NAME="observacoes" ROWS="5" COLS="37"></TEXTAREA><br>                      <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Enviar os dados"  onClick="return validar();">
                  <INPUT TYPE="RESET" VALUE="Limpar os dados">

        <!-- inicio rodape  -->
        <div class="rodape">
            <p class="direitos">© Iporã Piscina Clube 2016 | Todos os Direitos Reservados.</p> 

    </div><!-- fim da div base-->
  • 2

    $(".conteudo")load(href + ".conteudo");, wouldn’t be something like $("#conteudo").load(href);?

  • @Anthonyaccioly altered and did not solve

2 answers


There’s a typo here

$(".conteudo")load(href + ".conteudo");

Missed a point after the $(".conteudo")

this line has to stay like this:

$(".conteudo").load(href + ".conteudo");
  • If it will work I’m not sure because I did not have the other screens, but the only error in Javascript was this, preventing the wheel Function.


Your script can delete the ". content" from the end of the load and should include access to div through "#" instead of "." since it is "id" and not "class":

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $(".menu a").click(function(e){
            var href =$(this).attr('href');
            $("#conteudo")load(href); //eliminar ".conteudo" e trocar ".conteudo" por "#conteudo"

Regarding your footer, the div of it is within the content currently, just close the contents before:

    </div><!-- fim da div conteudo -->
    <!-- inicio rodape  -->
    <div class="rodape">
        <p class="direitos">© Iporã Piscina Clube 2016 | Todos os Direitos Reservados.</p> 
    </div><!-- fim da div rodape-->
</div><!-- fim da div base-->

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