Jquery problem in handling ajax data coming as array


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My array returns from php like this (post):

    [0] => Array
            [O email digitado é invalido! Por favor insira um email correto.] => 1

    [1] => Array
            [O telefone digitado está num formato invalido por favor siga o modelo: (DDD) XXXX-XXXX] => 1

    [2] => Array
            [Sua senha deve ser maior que 4 caracteres e menor que 20] => 1


My goal is to have Jquery use the main array to identify the phrase ex:

1. The Email typed is... 2. The Telephone typed is... 3. Your password must be....

And the internal array of the message identifies the type of css I’m going to use. 1 - severe error, 2- common error, 3-hit. I just don’t know how to do it. When I try to use a foreach, I come across an error in lenght, which returns Undefined. All help is welcome...

============ PHP CODE ================

$jq = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, FILTER_DEFAULT);

if($jq['acao'] == 'cadastro'):
    require ('../_app/Models/Cadastro.class.php');
    require '../_app/Config.inc.php';

    $cadastra = new Cadastro;


PHP receives from jquery the data of the fields stores via post in the variable jq and sends it to the class.

============== PHP CLASS =====================

private function CheckData() {
    if (!Check::Email($this->Data['email'])):
        $this->Result = FALSE;
        $this->Error[] = ["O email digitado é invalido! Por favor insira um email correto." => 1];
    if (!Check::Telefone($this->Data['telefone'])):
        $this->Error[] = ["O telefone digitado está num formato invalido por favor siga o modelo: (DDD) XXXX-XXXX" => 1];
        $this->Result = FALSE;
    if (strlen($this->Data['senha']) < 5 || strlen($this->Data['senha']) >= 20):
        $this->Error[] = ["Sua senha deve ser maior que 4 caracteres e menor que 20" => 1];
        $this->Result = FALSE;

private function CheckCadastro() {
    $CheckExistUser = new Read;
    $CheckExistUser->ExeRead('cadastro', "WHERE email = :e", "e={$this->Data['email']}");

    if ($CheckExistUser->getResult()):
        $this->Error[] = ["O email {$this->Data['email']} já está cadastrado no sistema. Se você for ... clique aqui. Se não tente um outro email" => 1];
        $this->Result = FALSE;

The class is a little bigger but, follow this principle. If you have an error in the data you received, store it in $this->Error and don’t let you continue to register in the database. As you can see in PHP I recover the error by $register->getErro, if you sent a print_f to print the message. My goal now is to handle the message I received to display to the customer. So that the main array is the error amount identifier and the internal action of the message identifies the type, if it is 1 is an error, I will see by the number the type and identify which css I will use to send the final message.

  • You shouldn’t use values as keys.

  • Puts your source code in both PHP and jQuery, which makes it easy.

  • I put an excerpt see there! :)

  • You shouldn’t return the data with a print_r. Uses a json_encode, that generates a javascript object. Type: echo json_encode($cadastra->getResult())

2 answers


Use the foreach.

   $.each(array, function( index, value ) {
         alert( index + ": " + value );


Do you have access to PHP code? The best (and simplest) way to handle this data is to prepare it for javascript using the function json_encode($array);. Now otherwise you will have to use regular Xpression and you will lose performance and integrity on this data.

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