Creating the bank with Migration Adjustable


Viewed 212 times


I know with migration I can create the tables, but it has some form of automates even the creation of the bank with the migration to follow as basis I use the Laravel 5.2

1 answer


According to the documentation as migrations do not create the database:

Migrations are like version control for your database, allowing a team to modify and share the schema of the application easily.

The Laravel Schema facade provides agnostic support for creating and manipulating tables. It shares the same model, API fluente all database systems supported by Laravel. doc

Something that can be done is to create a file PHP to do this.


$pdo = $db->connect();

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$query = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `{$dbName}`";

$query = "CREATE DATABASE `{$dbName}`";

$query = "USE `{$dbName}`";

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$query = "
    CREATE TABLE `clientes` (
        `nome` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        `endereco` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
        `enderecoCobranca` VARCHAR(255) NULL,
        `importancia` INT(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
        `tipoCliente` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
        `numId` VARCHAR(18) NOT NULL
  • To automate this with Laravel, you know how I do ? Ask to run this script from the outside ?

  • to run just give a require "file name". But the problem of this is to close very well to it to do only if there is no bank. to see you lose your application

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