activerecord is not saving the relationship


Viewed 146 times


I have a relationship like that in Rails

class ReducaoZ < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.table_name = 'reducaoz'   
  has_many :aliquotas, foreign_key: 'reducaoz_id', class_name: 'Aliquota', dependent: :delete_all

class Aliquota < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.table_name = 'aliquota'

  belongs_to :reducaoz, class_name: 'ReducaoZ'

and at a given time, I urge several aliquots within the reduction

aliquota =
aliquota.basecalculo = aliquota.valor
# outros valores
red.aliquotas << aliquota

and when I try to save z reduction, the field reducaoz_id is not there. as there is a constraint to not save aliquot without reducaoz_id, activerecord throws an error.
Apparently it’s all right, I can’t see the error. Does anyone have any idea what I missed?

Edit The sql that Rails tries to execute (along with the error) is this

  SQL (23.4ms)  INSERT INTO "aliquota" ("aliquota", "basecalculo", "valor") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id"  [["aliquota", "0300"], ["basecalculo", "0.0"], ["valor", "0.0"]]
PG::NotNullViolation: ERROR:  null value in column "reducaoz_id" violates not-null constraint
: INSERT INTO "aliquota" ("aliquota", "basecalculo", "valor") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING "id"
   (1.0ms)  ROLLBACK
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid Exception: PG::NotNullViolation: ERROR:  null value in column "reducaoz_id" violates not-null constraint
  • 1

    The question is not clear enough for me. Can’t you give more details? Copy the Activerecord error here.

  • What happens is that Rails is not setting the reduction in aliquot, making the relationship between them. The bank won’t let you save an aliquot without a reduction. I added SQL to the question

  • The reduction already exists in the database?

  • not yet. the! saves reduction and then aliquots, but aliquots come without reduction id. The funny thing is that other models do the same thing (Invoice -> items) and I can save them without problems

1 answer


PG::Notnullviolation: ERROR: null value in column "reducaoz_id" violates not-null Constraint

The PG in front of the exception tells us that this exception was raised by Postgres (because of the Constraint NOT NULL) and not directly by Activerecord. That means you forgot to add

validates :reducaoz_id, presence: true

But this doesn’t solve your problem.

Try once to change

aliquota =


@reducao = ReducaoZ.find(params[:reducaoz_id]) # esta linha pode mudar (não sei como tu fez)
@aliquota =

although theoretically it’s the same thing.

  • Funny that I just did almost the same thing now. I saved the reduction and then, recharged it from the bank before unsanitary aliquots. I think it sounds like a scam, but I don’t see any other way.

  • @Luize I do not consider gambiarra, I always do so.

  • Ah, less bad then hahahahaha

  • @Luize I’m glad it worked. =)

  • Very good. I was stuck in it for a couple of days

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