How to adapt my code to Android 4.1?


Viewed 144 times


I’m making an app using Materialize. But a mistake is happening.

The MENU is to work as in the second image. It is hidden with a TranslateX(-100%). And when I click on the MENU icon it opens the MENU.

But when I open the application the MENU already appears and in half. I do not understand how this is happening, since the MENU is done with a UL and inside have the LI's.

I already use -webkit on the estates.

The first image is as it is and the second is as I want it to be. Look:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 2

    Post CSS code, so someone will respond better.

  • ... bookstores and bookstores ... do the following... develop the menu the way you want it to appear when it is open... after you simply change the width to 0, then you call a Function() to change the value of the width as you wish, and you can still use a style Transition in Javascript (since this is a secondary animation)to give a nice effect. If you don’t understand, tell me I come with the code.

1 answer


I just answered a similar question, adapt the code and play the contents of the menu inside the <div id="mySidenav"></div>. I think that’s your problem. Play the button functions to your menu button and voila.

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