Maximum Execution time of 30 Seconds exceeded MPDF


Viewed 2,020 times


When running local the PDF generates normally, but on the server it exceeded the time limit and does not open.


        require_once "../mpdf60/mpdf.php";
        require_once "../DAO/conexao.php";
        require_once "../DAO/vendaDAO.php";

        $vend = $_SESSION["vendedor_nome"];

        if (isset($_GET["orcamento"]) && isset($_GET["data"]) && isset($_GET["cliente"]) && isset($_GET["totalprod"]) && isset($_GET["email"]))
                $orcamento = $_GET["orcamento"];
                $data = $_GET["data"];
                $cliente = $_GET["cliente"];
                $totalprod = $_GET["totalprod"];
                $email = $_GET["email"];

                $dao = new VendaDAO();
                $venda = $dao->GetByIdRel($_GET["orcamento"]);
                $itens = $venda->getItensRel($venda);

                foreach($itens as $item)

                    $formaPagamento = $item->getCusto($row->FPG_DESCRICAO);

                $html = " 

                <hr> </hr>
                <div id='img'> <img src='../css/logo.png' align='center' height='100px' width='220px' ></div>
                 <div id='teste'>
                        <td> Rua X, y 
                        Centro - CIDADE/UF 
                        CEP: 10000-000 <br/>
                        (00) 3333.3333 | E-mail
                        [email protected]
                    <hr> </hr>
                    <p align='center'><b> DADOS DA VENDA </b></p>

                                    Número do Pedido: $orcamento <br/>
                    Data da Venda: $data  <br/>
                                    Vendedor: $vend <br/>
                                    Cliente: $cliente <br/>
                                    Email: $email <br/>
                                    Forma de Cobrança: $formaPagamento  <br/>
                                    Total Produtos: $totalprod <br/>    
                                    <hr> </hr>    
                    <p align='center'><b> DADOS DO PRODUTO </b></p>

                    <table border=1 align='center' cellspacing='0'>

                                 foreach($itens as $item)  
                                        $produto = $item->getProduto();

                                            $html= $html ."<tr>
                    $html = $html . "</table>";

                                    $mpdf=new mPDF(); 
                                    $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8');
                                    $css = file_get_contents("css/estilo.css");

  • 1

    Try to use ini_set('max_execution_time', 60); and see if it can be used as a solution. Place it well in the code header. Ideally, you can change it in php.ini for standardization (PSR).

  • Perfect guy, worked here with mine. Thanks and congratulations

1 answer


Place at the beginning of the file set_time_limit(0);

set_time_limit sets a maximum execution time for a script, but if you set it to 0 no limit is set.

(see the PHP documentation)

  • I set set_time_limit(0); and it worked, but it’s taking about 50 seconds to execute.. Do you have a method that makes this execution faster? This is because the library is heavy?

  • @B.Noe with respect to speed is a little more complicated because there is a "N" possibility of things that can make the code slow down, from library to server configuration. But if this answer helps you please mark as solved! :)

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