Need, via Delphi, to open a Url/Site by passing a hidden parameter (not shown in the Url).
I tried to Shellexecute:
ShellExecute(Handle, 'Open', 'http://localhost:49486/admin/Login.aspx?View={1B605F4E-A7C9-4B7B-98B7-5A2D2ADBD520}', nil, nil, 1);
However, it only allows passing the parameter via url, becoming visible.
You want to make a POST request. That?
– Jéf Bueno
If you will perform the request through the language and not through the front-end, what is the need for the parameters not to be "visible"?
– Kenny Rafael
Exact @jbueno. I need to open the URL with a Post parameter.
– felipearon
Kenny on the system in Delphi, will have a shortcut to a restricted screen, with login. This shortcut will pass a certain parameter so that the session is created and you do not need Login. If the parameter is via url, the user can copy this url, and use it directly in the browser, without passing the shortcut in the system (business rule), and pass it to third parties.
– felipearon
You could use Indy to give the Post, and have Windows open the return URL with Shellexec.
– Victor Tadashi