Msbuild Multi-proc


Viewed 54 times


Has anyone there used Msbuild Multi-proc? I’m trying to use here, but I end up getting the following error:

c: Windows Microsoft.NET Framework64 v4.0.30319 Microsoft.Common.targets (3390): Unable to copy file "obj Release dbShared.dll" to "f: build 10 TI Folder src dbShared.dll Components". Access to the path 'f: build 10 TI Folder src bin dbShared.dll' is denied.

I tried several parameters of Msbuild but did not succeed.

If anyone can help me with that, I’d be grateful.

PS: I am using TFS 2012

1 answer


Does the process running Msbuild have write permissions on this path? Try running as an administrator and see the result.

Another reason may be that two projects are trying to write the same file for the same path. Try running Msbuild with /p:Buildinparallel=false and see if the error persists.

Note: If they are duplicate copies during build, this is a good guide to find and resolve the situation.

  • I granted permission to the user who runs the Build Controller in the directory, I have tested this parameter, and yes the same error occurs. I’ll take a look at the guide you gave me to see if I can fix the problem.

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