Multiline string with Javascript


Viewed 207 times


I have a small string to display in Javascript, but after much trying, I learned that if there is enter in the middle of the string snippet it will not be displayed. Can someone explain to me if there is a way to organize the code without disabling the display.

Follow the code:

function outros(){
   var exibir;
   exibir = '<input type= "checkbox" name="st[]" value="Penicilina">Penicilina <br> <input name="st[]"  value="Contraste" type="checkbox">Contraste <br>';

   elexibir= document.getElementById('teste1');
   elexibir.innerHTML= exibir;
  • @Guilhermenascimento gave a quick search and tmb had not found =]

  • 1

    @Brunno doesn’t need to delete her answer, in fact she has something else, about ES6 (which could be asked in the oldest question), but the tip I gave her is for future questions, I even doubled unintentionally, this is normal, the instruction there is even for the next times, now it’s up to you to restore or reply again :D, after all it’s quite interesting for the community.

1 answer


You can use a \ at the end to escape the line:

var suaString = "primeira linha \
                 segunda linha";

With Ecmascript 6 you can use it like this:

var suaString = `primeira linha
                 segunda linha`;
  • 1

    An example with your code =]

  • This has already been asked in and, I recommend to search if there is already an answer and mark the question as duplicate instead of answering, because if there will be several repeated and scattered contents.

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