What is the best approach to dealing with loosely coupled code?


Viewed 42 times


What would be the correct way to structure the code below? For example, is it appropriate to pass an instance of Connectorwmi as a parameter and use it to execute an instruction? Or would you have a more appropriate approach?


abstract class Conector
     * Recurso de conexão externa
     * @var object
    protected $conexao;

     * Mensagem de erro
     * @var string
    protected $mensagemErro;

     * Realiza conexão com o host alvo
     * @param   string  $host
     * @param   string  $usuario
     * @param   string  $senha
     * @param   int     $porta
     * @param   int     $timeout
     * @return  void
    abstract public function conectar($host, $usuario = null, $senha = null, $porta = 135, $timeout = 10);

     * Consulta o status da conexão
     * @return bool
    public function status()
        return ($this->conexao !== NULL) ? TRUE : FALSE;

     * Retorna mensagem de erro gerada durante a tentativa de conexão 
     * ou erro gerado na chamada do método "executar"
     * @return string
    public function mensagemErro()
        return $this->mensagemErro;

     * Executa a instrução remotamente
     * @param   string $instrucao
     * @return  object
    abstract public function executar($instrucao);


class ConectorWmi extends Conector
     * Estabelece conexão com máquinas Windows via chamada COM
     * @param   string  $host
     * @param   string  $usuario
     * @param   string  $senha
     * @param   int     $porta
     * @param   int     $timeout
     * @return  void
    public function conectar($host, $usuario = null, $senha = null, $porta = 135, $timeout = 10)
             * Testa conectividade com host alvo
             * @param string $host
             * @param string $porta
             * @param int    $errno   valor de sistema
             * @param string $errstr  mensagem de sistema
             * @param int    $timeout tempo máximo a esperar
            if (!$socket = @fsockopen($host, $porta, $errno, $errstr, $timeout))
                // @see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms740668(v=vs.85).aspx
                $dic = [
                            10056 => "Já existe uma conexão socket aberta para o host <b>{$host}</b>!",
                            10057 => "Não foi possível conectar ao socket na chamada do host <b>{$host}</b>!",
                            10060 => "Time Out na chamada do host <b>{$host}</b>!",
                            10061 => "O host <b>{$host}</b> recusou a conexão!",

                $mensagem = (array_key_exists($errno, $dic)) ? strtr($errno, $dic) : $errstr;          

                throw new RuntimeException("Erro ({$errno}): {$mensagem}");

            fclose($socket); // Fecha o socket aberto anteriormente

            $WbemLocator = new COM("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");
            // @see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa393720(v=vs.85).aspx
            $this->conexao = $WbemLocator->ConnectServer($host, 'root\cimv2', $usuario, $senha, 'MS_416');
            $this->conexao->Security_->ImpersonationLevel = 3;
        catch (com_exception $e) {
            $this->mensagemErro = utf8_encode($e->getMessage());
        catch (RuntimeException $e) {
            $this->mensagemErro = $e->getMessage();
        catch (Exception $e) {
            $this->mensagemErro =  $e->getMessage();

     * Executa a instrução remotamente
     * @param   string $instrucao
     * @return  object|string em caso de erro retorna uma string
    public function executar($instrucao)
            if (!$this->conexao)
                throw new RuntimeException("Antes de executar uma instrução é necessário instanciar uma conexão!");

            // @see http://php.net/manual/en/ref.com.php
            if(!$retorno = $this->conexao->ExecQuery($instrucao))
                throw new RuntimeException("O host remoto não retornou dados!");

            return $retorno;
        catch (RuntimeException $e) {
            return $e->getMessage();


class Cpu
     * Armazena uma instância de Win32_Processor
     * @access private
     * @var object
    private $cpu;

     * Captura as informações referentes a CPU
     * @access public
    function __construct(ConectorWmi $wmi)
        $this->cpu = $wmi->executar("SELECT
                                        FROM Win32_Processor");

     * Retorna informações referentes a CPU
     * @access public
     * @return array
    public function cpuDetalhes()
        foreach ($this->cpu as $c)
            $cpu[$c->DeviceID] = array('nome' => $c->Name,
                                       'arquitetura' => $c->DataWidth,
                                       'mhz' => $c->CurrentClockSpeed,
                                       'nucleos' => $c->NumberOfCores,
                                       'processadoresLogicos' => $c->NumberOfLogicalProcessors,
                                       'cargaDoProcessador' => $c->LoadPercentage);

        return $cpu;

Test consulting the CPU:

$wmi = new ConectorWmi;
$wmi->conectar('', 'Administrador', '1QAZxsw2');

    $obj = new Cpu($wmi);

    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
    echo $wmi->mensagemErro();
  • Why did you delete the old question and remake it again? ... Even though I switched from Static to "object," I still believe that the comment I wrote earlier applies to this situation as well, in addition to container coupling, the problem is simply getting out using it because they taught it that way, because I said it was good, the techniques are created to solve problems, so if the class can be simple make it simple, unless you have the vision of a large project where the class will be used, instantiated, inherited, which does not seem to me the case.

  • The previous question was confused, just as I changed the code and changed the context of the question. Now the question is, what is the best approach to the code published in this question.

  • 3

    The best approach is to stop reading blogs or tutorials that teach "good practice", simplify the code and use certain things if necessary :)

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