What is the correct way to use an npm-installed package?


Viewed 619 times


To explain my question I will use jquery as an example. I installed jquery from npm (npm install jquery). Then npm created the jquery dist node_modules folder where the jquery file I need is (jquery.js).

To use this file should I point to this node folder? In other words, if my project folder is at the same level as the node_modules folder I should do this to use my js?:

<script src="../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js">

I created a . js file both in my project folder and in the same level folder of the node_modules folder and tried to import it like this:

var $ = require('jquery')

but it doesn’t work. What would be the right way to do it?

  • Sergio, I even looked for something related to my question but I didn’t find it. Anyway thank you, this other question answered my.,

2 answers


I particularly like to use NPM only for server dependencies and the Bower for customer dependencies.

To install Bower just use the command:

npm i bower -g

After doing this you can create a file called .bowerrcas described here with the location for you to install client dependencies.

The usage mode is similar to NPM and you can save the dependencies with --save and things like that.


Taking into account the article npm and front-end Packaging you can create another package.json inside your briefcase publicto their dependencies of front-end, but this is not recommended.

  • Thanks for the tip, but I only want to use npm

  • @Felipecoelho added one more piece of information that might suit you.


The way you loaded jQuery in the first example was to work, except for the fact that you didn’t close the tag <script>, maybe that’s the problem?

Functional example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-br">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Testando jQuery</title>

  <script src="./node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>

    $(window).ready(function () {
      alert("Testando jQuery");

  • If he’s inside the briefcase public maid in the express, for example, it will not work no.

  • My doubt is not whether it works or not, but whether this is the right way to use a package from npm

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