Displaying images via Mysql Php URL


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it wasn’t for lack of trying but I’m having problems with something I think can be considered simple. Well the project is a site right? It will be a goods query site and only. I have created a product registration page. Register

$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pass = "";
$banco = "produtos";
$conexao = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
mysql_select_db($banco) or die(mysql_error());

$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO cadastro(nome,especificacoes,preco,url)
VALUES('$nome', '$especificacoes','$preco','$url')");
echo "feito";

In this page the registration is being done successfully. However I do not know how to display it by ID(Note that every registered product has auto incrementing ID), I would like to display these images in little squares in the code.

<div class="thumbnail"><!--Centraliza a imagem dentro do box-->
  <img src="Aqui seria a imagem cadastrada" alt="ibagem">
  <div class="caption"><!--Esta div cria o que esta escrito abaixo da imagem-->
    <h3 align="Center">Aqui o nome cadastrado do produto</h3>
    <p align="center">E aqui as especificações cadastradas do produto</p>
    <p align="center"> <a href="produtos.html" class="btn btn-default" role="button">Especificações</a></p>

But I have no idea how to do this or how to get ID 1 to appear next to ID 2 next to ID 3, if anyone can help me I would really appreciate it.

And I’m sorry if I’m posting wrong, or if this question has already been answered, but I can’t find and after almost two months of searching and only finding solutions like external programs (like wordpress), I didn’t know where else to turn.

  • You already have a query that inserts the data, now you need one to get the values... SELECT, and then a while... I won’t be able to post anything now, if no one does it on the way back I do... What is the name of the column that contains the IDs ?

  • The column name is id

  • I was able to use select ... I’m just not able to turn the url into an image... And now I’m in the while business. From what I understand I’m going to put while id > x ai I’m going to do id++ something like vlw by north guy.

1 answer


First take care how you are doing this insertion in the bank. Use the bind from the PDO to avoid SQL Injection.

Once inserted the information in the database, through a select you can redeem the products in the order you want. The default is by increasing ID, equal to what you want.

Now as to the images, need to have a logic to relate them to the information in the database. A very basic example would be the folder with the product ID having the images of it. Example of file structure:

    /1  ~> produto de ID 1
    /2  ~> produto de ID 2

So an example code where you would list the products would be:


$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pass = "";
$banco = "produtos";
$conexao = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
mysql_select_db($banco) or die(mysql_error());

$result = mysql_query("select * from cadastro order by id asc");


<?php while ($produto = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)): ?>

    <div class="thumbnail">
        <img src="imagens/produtos/<?php echo $produto["id"]; ?>/foto1.jpg" alt="<?php echo $produto["nome"]; ?>" />
        <div class="caption">
            <h3 align="Center"><?php echo $produto["nome"]; ?></h3>
            <p align="center"><?php echo $produto["especificacoes"]; ?></p>
            <p align="center"><a href="produtos.html" class="btn btn-default" role="button">Especificações</a></p>

<?php endwhile; ?>

I didn’t test, there may be some syntax error but I hope I passed the general idea.

NOTE: To have these images in the folders dynamically, you would need to upload the images at the time of registration.

  • Then face look what I did if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while($Row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $img = $Row["url"]; echo "<div class='Row'>"; echo "<div class='col-Sm-3 col-Md-4'>"; echo "<div class='thumbnail'>"; echo "<img src='" . $Row["url"] . " '" . " alt='Hi'>"; echo "<div class='caption'>"; echo "<H3 align='Center'>" . $Row["name"] . " </H3>"; echo "<p align='center'>" . $Row["specifications"] . " </p>"; echo "<p align='center'> <a href='#' class='btn btn-default' role='button'>Specifications</a>/p>"; This working but security ñ.

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