Error in Assembly reference


Viewed 8,641 times


I am trying to add a reference to my project, but when I add and run the project it presents this error:

Unable to load file or Assembly 'Waitwindow', Version=1.0.6164.26027, Culture=neutral, Publickeytoken=null' or a of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

I found other posts with similar errors but none fixed my problem

  • 2

    How did you add the reference? Download the DLL and link manually? Or download it from nuget?

  • I added manually because I had no nuget, but I already found the error, it was a 64bit version and q my machine is 32bit, thanks for your attention

1 answer


Jeremiah, this can happen if Voce is loading a 32bit dll for a 64bit project or configured for both. In this case Voce must change the target platform to x86 in the project properties.

  • Thank you Alexandre, the dll was 64bit and my project is 32bit, thank you

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