I cannot install ruby 2.3.2 on Centos without root privilege


Viewed 43 times


I need to install ruby on a server with Centos 6.5. I don’t have root access, so I can’t use yum. I downloaded the source file, unzipped it into a folder called ~/software and rode

./configure && make && make install

However, the following error appeared during the make install:

make: *** [do-install-all] Error 1

I already searched the internet and could not find a solution to my problem.

I created a Pastebin with the complete installation log, if necessary.

  • Usually the make install command needs to run as sudo itself, it needs to install some binaries in several directories. There is a reason not to use RVM or rbenv?

  • I didn’t know about RVM or rbenv before your comment. Actually, I don’t even know Ruby properly. I just need this language to install linuxbrew. I tried to install both options mentioned in your comment, but I couldn’t. gpg gives Keyserver error in the case of RVM and my version of git was not compiled with (lib)Curl-devel.

  • So, like I told you, it’s common to wear sudo on make install, to tell the truth, I don’t remember running make install sudo. What would be the problem, from your point of view, with running sudo command? I don’t see how that could be a problem: ./configure && make && sudo make install

  • Take a look here: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/20953/difference-between-make-install-and-sudo-make-install

  • I cannot use sudo. I do not have this privilege on this server.

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