Select register in angular pagination


Viewed 672 times


Good afternoon! I have a table with pagination (use dir-paginate). When I click on a record, I invoke ng-class and the record changes color. If I click on another record, automatically the previous one that was marked is unchecked, and the new record that received the current click is marked. The problem is when I click on the page. If the first record of the 1st pagination is marked and I click on the pagination, the 1st record of the 2nd pagination remains marked and so on. I wanted q after clicking on the pagination, the 1st record of the 1st pagination remained marked and the 1st record of the 2nd pagination was not marked. It was only when I click on it. Say, I clicked on Joaquim on the first page.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

When I go p/page 2 Alberto will come automatically marked.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


angular.module("tabela", ['angularUtils.directives.dirPagination']);
			angular.module("tabela").controller("tabelactrl", function($scope){
			$scope.dados = [
			{id: 1, nome: 'José'},
			{id: 2, nome: 'Maria'},
			{id: 3, nome: 'Joaquim'},
			{id: 4, nome: 'Manuel'},
			{id: 5, nome: 'Joana'},
			{id: 6, nome: 'Serafim'},
			{id: 7, nome: 'Rafaela'},
			{id: 8, nome: 'Alberto'},
			{id: 9, nome: 'Frederico'},
			{id: 10, nome: 'Juan'},
			$scope.itemClicked = function($index){
				$scope.selectedIndex = $index;
		margin-left: auto;
		margin-right: auto;
		width: 250px;
		margin-top: 10%;
        background-color: #00BFFF;
		font-weight: bold;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="tabela">
		<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
		<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
		<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

<script type="text/javascript">

		<body ng-controller="tabelactrl">
			<div class="container">
				<table class="table">
						<tr ng-click="itemClicked($index)"  ng-class="{ 'alterRow': $index === selectedIndex }" dir-paginate=" dados in dados | itemsPerPage : 5">
				<dir-pagination-controls max-size="5" direction-links="true" boundary-links="true"></dir-pagination-controls>

1 answer


Opa, cara... Do not use index in this situation, because the index 1 of page 1 is the same as page 2, correct?!

In this case I used a unique identifier (ID) to work, just change

<tr ng-click="itemClicked($index)" ng-class="{ 'alterRow': $index === selectedIndex }" dir-paginate=" dados in dados | itemsPerPage : 5">


<tr ng-click="itemClicked(" ng-class="{'alterRow': selectedIndex ==}" dir-paginate="dados in dados | itemsPerPage : 5">

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