How to Reset a Gridview c# aspnet?


Viewed 318 times


I have two tables(Datatable) different and need to use them in the same Gridview. But when I call Gridview on the screen it always takes the value of the first table.

Does anyone know how to make a Gridview adapted to any consultation?

dt = info.RetornaInfo(x,y);
GdvInfo.DataSource = dt;
  • Those DataTable has the same number of columns and are respective values and types!

  • Post also the example of two DataTable that are different so that the answers are drawn up according to them.

1 answer


You will need to set the DataSource as null and then clear the lines of the DataGridView.

GdvInfo.DataSource = null;

dt = info.RetornaInfo(x,y);
GdvInfo.DataSource = dt;

Previous response removed.

  • This way ? public void CarregaGrid()
GdvInfo.DataSource = null;
 dt = info.RetornaInfo(x, y);
 GdvInfo.DataSource = dt;


  • No. The way it is in the answer.

  • When I try to put Gdvinfo.Row.Clear() it returns the following error:System.Web.UI.WebControls.Gridviewrowcollection' does not contain a Definition for 'Clear' and no Extension method 'Clear' Accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Gridviewrowcollection' could be found (are you Missing a using Directive or an Assembly Reference?)

  • Take that line there, I must have confused with Windows Forms.

  • No code error ,plus, the grid uses the information and structure of the previous table.

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