ORA-1691: Unable to extend lob segment


Viewed 574 times


I am loading from one oracle bank to another bank and at the time of transferring the files from an Attachment table this error occurred after some time: ORA-1691.

Reading a little I saw that it has relation with storage space but I do not know how to verify the current size nor what to request the infra team. Would it be "increasing tablespace"? But for how many MB should I ask for this increase?

You can check this via select in the bank without being Wner?

1 answer


To know the size of a tablespace it is necessary to know the size of the data files that constitute this tablespace. For this we can use the following querys to check the size of a database. - Seat size

select sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 tamanho_GB from dba_segments;

- or

select sum(bytes) /1073741824  TAMANHO_GB from dba_segments;

- Size by Tablespace

select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 tamanho_GB from dba_segments group by tablespace_name;
  • Thanks Dante I’ll do a test here and return now.

  • Do I need special permission to run this select? I ran both source and destination but it says that the dba_segments table does not exist.

  • You just have to be the owner of the bank...

  • I am not Wner. I will contact support

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