Handle single while record


Viewed 146 times


Considering that I am developing a small ranking of simple classification (photo), I need a solution to take the first 3 records of select and apply an individual formatting to them, the others without need. Note: I do not wish to have to use 2 Ops, one way may be using arrays, correct?


I have the following code:

        $selPlacares = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM jogadores j LEFT JOIN placares p ON p.pla_jog_id = j.jog_id GROUP BY j.jog_id ORDER BY p.pla_cartas DESC, p.pla_tempo ASC, j.jog_nome ASC");
        $cont = $selPlacares->rowCount(); ?>

        <table border="0" align="left" width="70" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
        <tr style="background: #58589E;">

        <tr style="background: #E7BD40;">

        <tr style="background: #c9c9c9; color: #000;">

        <tr style="background: #623825;">

        <?php for($s = 4; $s <= $cont; $s++): ?>
            <td><?php echo $s."&deg;"; ?></td>
        <?php endfor; ?>


        <table border="0" align="left" width="85%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">
        <tr style="background: #58589E;">   
            <td>Nome do jogador</td>
            <td>Quant. Cartas</td>

        <?php while($rowPlacares = $selPlacares->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)): ?>
            <td><?php echo $rowPlacares->jog_nome; ?></td>
            <td><?php echo $rowPlacares->pla_cartas; ?></td>
            <td><?php echo $rowPlacares->pla_tempo; ?></td>
        <?php endwhile; ?>


3 answers


You have two ways to do this via css, the simplest is the following:

Vide Fiddle

table tr:nth-child(1){
table tr:nth-child(2){
table tr:nth-child(3){

Thus, the first row of the table will have the style applied in table tr:nth-child(1), the second table tr:nth-child(2) and the third table tr:nth-child(3)

  • Actually, much more practical, I will use this form because it is more practical, however, the first answer exclaimed how we can do using PHP. Thank you for your reply.


You can do it just with CSS, using the property Nth-Child(), example:

table tbody tr:nth-child(1) td{background-color:blue;}
table tbody tr:nth-child(2) td{background-color:green;}
table tbody tr:nth-child(3) td{background-color:yellow;}

Jsfiddle example

  • 1

    Really with CSS is much easier. but he wanted to know how to do with PHP. Do what right?

  • I agree, CSS is easier and solves problems. I didn’t necessarily want to know in PHP I just didn’t remember this function in CSS so I thought there was no way to solve this in CSS. It was good to know the ways, thank you!

  • Not for that reason :)


One of the most painless ways to do this with your current code is to use a counter inside the while which you would use as a condition to apply some CSS class, for example.


$cursor = 0;

while($rowPlacares = $selPlacares->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)):


switch( $cursor ) {

    case 1: $trColor = 'red'; break;
    case 2: $trColor = 'green'; break;
    case 3: $trColor = 'blue'; break;
    case default: $trColor = 'black'; break;


<tr style="background-color: "<?php echo $trColor; ?>">
    <td><?php echo $rowPlacares->jog_nome; ?></td>
    <td><?php echo $rowPlacares->pla_cartas; ?></td>
    <td><?php echo $rowPlacares->pla_tempo; ?></td>
<?php endwhile; ?>

It’s not very elegant, but you used Pdostatement::fetch() instead of first assembling the structure with Pdostatement::fetchAll() and then re-injecting it, it’s an output.

  • Actually this way it works, but with simpler CSS. When I asked the question I didn’t necessarily want the answer in PHP, however, it was interesting to know how to solve this problem. I will use CSS because it is simpler, I already knew the function of this code but used to cross lines, I had not thought about it. Thanks

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