How to add a database column using PDO


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Good evening everyone. I have little experience in programming. I apologize if I am not very clear on the question.

I have a Mysql database (phpmyadmin) with a table named "my table" having one of the fields named "value". I need to add the "value" field of all rows in the table.

To count the amount of data worked when I used the following excerpt:

$select = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM minha_tabela")->fetchAll();

// atribuindo a quantidade de linhas retornadas
$count = count($select);

// imprimindo o resultado
print $count;

Now I have to add up and I don’t know how to write the program. I am using PDO programming. Thank you very much.

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    If it’s just a count, use SELECT COUNT(*) FROM minha_tabela instead of this count($select), so you have a result line with the value. This is what you’ve done by moving the entire table from Mysql to PHP just to get a count, which is unthinkable in a normal application (unless you’re going to use all the data right away).

3 answers


Use the following SQL query:

SELECT SUM(valor) AS total FROM minha_tabela

See more details on how to use SUM here.

Then in the PDO you do this:

$soma = $pdo->query("SELECT SUM(valor) AS total FROM minha_tabela")->fetchColumn();

// Imprimindo o resultado.
print $soma;
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    Hello Victor Stafusa. Thank you so much for your answer. I just tested it and it really worked. Know that it helped me a lot. A big hug. and Thank you to all who have dedicated themselves to understanding my question.

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    @Jorgepeinado If my answer has served you, be sure to mark it as correct/accept by clicking on the green side here. Thank you. :)

  • 1

    Hello Victor Stafusa. Thank you so much for your answer. I just tested it and it really worked. Know that it helped me a lot. A big hug. and Thank you to all who have dedicated themselves to understanding my question.


$stmt = new PDO("mysql:host={$servername};dbname={$dbname}",$username, $password);
$soma = $stmt->query("SELECT SUM(valor) as total FROM nome_tabela")->fetchColumn();
//imprime com as pontuação e virgula
print number_format($soma, 2, ",",".");


$soma = $pdo->query("SELECT SUM(valor) AS total FROM minha_tabela")->fetchColumn();
print number_format($soma, 2, ",",".");

It saved a whole afternoon’s work!!!!

Thank you

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