How to open a project directly from the explorer


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I was left with the following doubt these days and I could not find a solution to it.

Next, I have several projects in Android Studio (all have already been imported and are working perfectly), however, every time I open AS it opens the last project I was developing, XXX to facilitate, however, if I want to open the YYY project I have to open the AS, wait to load the XXX project, then go to the recent ones, look for the YYY and open it there.

The question is, is there any way to open the YYY project directly through windows explorer, or at least without having to wait to load the XXX project? A good example of what I’m talking about would be the "Solution" of Visual Studio, which just open the *.sln file and VS will open the entire project

2 answers


In accordance with this reply in English, there is a configuration of Android Studio (AS) to disable the rehabilitation of the latest project:

Settings -> Appearance & Behaviour -> System Settings -> Reopen last project on startup

Note: The original answer mentions Intellij but also applies to AS.


Unable to open an Android Studio "project" via File Explorer.

Android Studio, unlike other IDE’s, does not create a "project file".

If you don’t want the previous project to be opened by Android Studio, close it before you leave, or at File->Settings, deselect the option Reopen last project on startup in the window Appearance & Behaviour > System Settings.

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