Hibernate/JPA - Object is an Unsaved Transient instance


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Good afternoon people!

When saving a new contract adjustment I have to research other contracts "similar" to what I’m readjusting and readjusting them as well.

For that I was trying to use a callback (saveAfter) after saving the first readjustment in order to readjust the others. The problem is that as the first reset has not yet been committed when I try to save the others occurs the following error:

org.springframework.dao.Invaliddataaccessapiusageexception: org.hibernate.Transientobjectexception: Object is an Unsaved Transient instance - save the Transient instance before merging: [...]

How do I commit all records at once? Below follows the interesting part of the code commenting on the problem:


    protected Reajuste saveOrUpdateAfter(Reajuste entity,
        Reajuste mergedEntity, Object... list) throws ApplicationException {

    if (entity.getReajustarVinculados().equalsIgnoreCase("S"))

    return super.saveOrUpdateAfter(entity, mergedEntity, list);

public Integer reajustarContratosVinculados(Reajuste reajusteOrigem)
        throws ApplicationException {

        List<Contrato> contratos = contratoBO
                .findListByCriteria(Restrictions.eq("cliente", cliente));
        for (Contrato contrato : contratos) {
            if (contrato.getPlano().equals(
                    reajusteOrigem.getContrato().getPlano())) {

                Reajuste r = new Reajuste();
                mergeEntity(r); // Nesta linha ocorre o erro

    return num;
  • Hello! What is the content of the method mergeEntity? How is the mapping of entities Reajuste and Contrato ?

  • Basically it’s just the JPA merge. public ENTITY_TYPE mergeEntity(ENTITY_TYPE Entity){ Return getJpaTemplate(). merge(Entity); }

1 answer


I already solved it. This case is a little specific, maybe the solution doesn’t suit the others, but the mistake is that the CallBack to work uses the merged entity and I was modifying the unmixed entity.

All I had to do was pass the method reajustarContratosVinculados() and the merged entity that worked.

if (mergedEntity.getReajustarVinculados().equalsIgnoreCase("S"))

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