I have a question, let’s assume that I have two libraries (different packages) that can be installed via name in the Composer.json file is respectively:
- Enterprise/financial
- Company/teams
The first has autoload:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"financeiro\\": "empresa/financeiro/"
The other autoload has:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"equipe\\": "empresa/equipe/"
If I apply a Composer install business/financial and then do the same with team, both will be below /vendor/company? And autoload, will be merged into a single json file?
Both are in the same directory, already autoload, Poser mounts following the repository’s Composer.json, it does not merge, but knows which company/team is in one directory and company/financial in another.
– Leonardo
Then within the autoload->by-4 we would have two correct lines, one for company/team and another for company/financial?
– Fábio Jânio
I think it’s much more complex than that, Fabio. The important thing is that, as @lvcs mentioned, Composer takes care of it, separates the namespaces correctly and even if they are within the same directory, you don’t have to worry.
– taiar