Execute code in Lua language


Viewed 661 times


I downloaded the Lua language interpreter, created a file hello.lua with the code below:

print("Hello World")

But I can’t compile this code and display the output. I downloaded version 5.3.3 and ran the file lua.exe, the console is displayed and typed: lua hello.lua, but the error below is presented:

interpretador Lua

Detail, the execution of direct code on the console works, ie if I type print("hello world") the return is hello world. But what I want is to run through a file.

2 answers


  • It worked with dofile. But I tried outside the interpreter and could not. What is the correct installer for the command to be recognized?

  • 1

    There is no correct installer, if you have everything there it is to work, but that is another problem. See: https://www.lua.org/download.html


If it happens to someone in the future, just put the version after the moon command.

The posted version is 5.3.3, then the right thing would be to put lua53


lua53 hello.lua

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