Call a method that calls another method of the same class?


Viewed 3,084 times


Example have the class Metodo:

public class Metodo {

    private String string;

    public String mostrar(String nome, String sobrenome){
        this.string = "Nome: " + nome + "Sobrenome: " + sobrenome;

        return string;

    public void show(){

And the class that tests this method:

package testarMetodo;

    public class Teste {

    public static void main(String[] args) {            
        Metodo metodo = new Metodo();
        metodo.mostrar("Aline", "Gonzaga").show();          

Only it doesn’t work. I just wanted to take the return of the other method and have it displayed with the method show().

How can I do this?

1 answer


Must use a design pattern called Fluent Interface, that links the methods so facilitate in the development, has a nice explanatory text about Interface Fluent and Builder Patterns in the Sopt that defines each one at a time of development, but let’s focus on their code.

Changes in the class Metodo:

public class Metodo

    private String string;
    public Metodo mostrar(String nome, String sobrenome)
         this.string = "Nome: " + nome + " Sobrenome: " + sobrenome;
         return this;
    public void show()

and the method must be of the same class type and in its return refers to itself (this). Summary of the code that should be in the method:

public Metodo mostrar(String nome, String sobrenome)
    //code ...
    return this;

Then it’ll work out like waiting:

package testarMetodo;

public class Teste 

    public static void main(String[] args) 
        Metodo metodo = new Metodo();
            .mostrar("Aline", "Gonzaga")

Online Example


  • 1

    Wow worked!...

  • 1

    @gonz, cool, take a read on the link has a slight differences mainly to Java, but I’m glad I could help.

  • 1

    Definitely friend. I will read yes. = ) When I get home...

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