Primefaces does not locate Panel and Datatable components


Viewed 116 times


I’m doing a job where I use Primefaces + Ajax + Hibernate. I have a screen to include/change a client that should open in a modal every time the user clicks on the button. And in this same code I have a datatable to show all clients. However, for some reason, every time the same error appears:

HTTP Status 500 - Cannot find component with expression "infosCliente" referenced from "j_idt9".

The same goes for datatable. It seems that Primefaces does not "locate" those components on the page. This is my view:


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns=""
      xmlns:p="" xmlns:pm="">

    <f:view contentType="text/html">
            <f:facet name="first">
                <meta content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' http-equiv="Content-Type"/>
            <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="dot-luv/skin.css"/>

            <p:layout fullPage="true">
                <p:layoutUnit position="left" header="Atividades" resizable="true" closable="true" collapsible="true">
                    <h:form prependId="false">
                        <p:commandLink value="Novo Cliente" actionListener="#{clientes.prepararAdicionarClientes}" update="infosCliente" oncomplete=""/>
                <p:layoutUnit position="center">
                    <h1>Gerenciador de Clientes</h1>
                    <h:form prependId="false">
                        <p:dataTable id="tabela" var="cliente" value="#{clientes.listarClientes}">
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText value="Nome"/>
                                <h:outputText value="#{cliente.nome}" />
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText value="Endereço"/>
                                <h:outputText value="#{cliente.endereco}"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText value="Telefone"/>
                                <h:outputText value="#{cliente.telefone}"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText value="Data de Nascimento"/>
                                <h:outputText value="#{cliente.dtnascimento}"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText value="E-mail"/>
                                <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText value="Alterar"/>
                                <p:commandButton actionListener="#{clientes.alterarClientes}" value="Alterar" update="infosCliente" oncomplete=""/>
                                <f:facet name="header">
                                    <h:outputText value="Excluir"/>
                                <h:commandLink action="#{clientes.excluirCliente}" value="Excluir"/>

            <p:dialog header="Gerência de Clientes" widgetVar="dialogGerCliente"  resizable="false" modal="true" showEffect="slide" width="500">
                <h:form prependId="false">
                    <h:panelGrid id="infosCliente" columns="2" style="margin-bottom:10px">

                        <h:outputLabel for="nome" value="Nome:" />
                        <h:inputText id="nome" value="#{clientes.clientes.nome}"/>

                        <h:outputLabel for="endereco" value="Endereço:" />
                        <h:inputText id="endereco" value="#{clientes.clientes.endereco}"/>

                        <h:outputLabel for="telefone" value="Telefone:" />
                        <h:inputText id="telefone" value="#{clientes.clientes.telefone}"/>

                        <h:outputLabel for="dtnascimento" value="Data de Nascimento" />
                        <h:inputText id="dtnascimento" value="#{clientes.clientes.dtnascimento}"/>

                        <h:outputLabel for="email" value="E-mail:" />
                        <h:inputText id="email" value="#{}"/>

                        <p:commandButton update="tabela" oncomplete="dialogGerCliente.hide();" actionListener="#{clientes.adicionarClientes}" value="Inserir Cliente"/>
                        <p:commandButton update="tabela" oncomplete="dialogGerCliente.hide();" actionListener="#{clientes.alterarClientes}" value="Alterar Cliente"/>

If I remove infosClient and table (the ids), the page displays the table with all registered clients and can even delete, but the change does not work and does not appear the button for the insertion/ change modal.

1 answer


Sometimes the first faces cannot locate the component when it is inside a dialog or a tab, for example. Try changing the update to:

<p:commandLink value="Novo Cliente" actionListener="#{clientes.prepararAdicionarClientes}" update="#{p:component('infosCliente')}" oncomplete=""/>

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