How to show string to a given occurrence?


Viewed 51 times


I want to display a string until occurrence X, I could only do it this way:

echo substr($conteudo, 0, strpos($conteudo, 'quebra-de-linha'));

In PHP is there a native resource that can do this? So I don’t need to string subst and strpos as I did above.

  • Your question is not clear, could you put an example of a string initial and what should be returned from it?

1 answer


The function strstr has the third parameter, which serves for this:

strstr( $origem, $termo, $flag_somente_antes_do_termo );

Example of use:

strstr( '123456789', '5', true );



To apply in line break, replace the '5' for "\n" or "\r\n" according to the source value.

See the two examples in IDEONE.

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