Cakephp 3 - How to sum column values amount of multiple rows and display the result in the view?


Viewed 363 times


I have the Table Entradaestoques

id - Prod - Qtd

1 - soap - 10

2 - cloth - 7

3 - soap - 20

4 - disinfectant - 4

5 - soap - 20

6 - cloth - 3

I want to show in the View

Soap: 50 units

Cloth: 10 pieces

How do I calculate the sum of the quantity of the product soap and other products in the controller of CakePHP and send this sum to show in View?

  • Where is the code?.

  • Cakephp3 as is made SQL? has some code

  • I don’t know how to do this code in the cakephp controller.

  • Are you a beginner in Cakephp? @Thiagophilipp

  • 1

    in version 3.x yes, used the old 2.x.

  • will help, given the experience of v2?

  • @Virgilionovic was checking this tutorial but not how to use in my specific case.

  • has that link look at only!

  • you have any Entity ready that references this table?

  • Product Entity Stock created by Bake.

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1 answer


You can use the function SUM() SQL and cakephp’s ORM gives you easy access to it. In your case, within the controller, you can do the following:

use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;

//Sua classe de tabela, diagamos que você tenha criado a classe de tabela: ProdutoEstoque.php
$produto = TableRegistry::get('EntradaEstoques');

$query = $produto->find();

$quantidade_sabao = $query->select(['sum' => $query->func()->sum('sabao')]);

$quantidade_pano = $query->select(['sum' => $query->func()->sum('pano')]);

//Envia os valores para a view
    'quantidade_sabao' => $quantidade_sabao,
    'quantidade_pano' => $quantidade_pano,

Within the view (Your HTML) you will have access to the value of each variable:

<p>Quandidade de Sabão: <?= $quantidade_sabao ?></p>
  • How do I sum all "Qtd" lines with productstoque_id = 1, put this result in the $quatidade_prod1 variable and display this information in the view?

  • I am not entirely sure, but I suspect that it is possible to use the Where() method in conjunction with the sum() method. It would look something like $quantity = $query->select(['Qtd' => $query->func()->sum('Qtd')->Where(['product_id' => 1]) ]), then use the set() method, to include the variable and make it available in the View.

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