Dataset query showing last created ID giving error


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I’m making a people registration form which when I finish entering the data it shows a MessageBox telling which ID the person was registered with. For that I use a query of my dataset(I’m using Entity Framework model first), but for some reason I’m making an error that "One or more lines contain values that violate non-null, Unique or Foreign-key restrictions." because I think it’s a mistake in the bank code, maybe not.

Follow the query code:

SELECT MAX(ID_Pacientes) as UltimoID FROM Pacientes_TCC

The field ID_Pacientes is autro increment and is a primary key.

Code where I implement the query:

 private void btnInserir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            Pacientes_TCCTableAdapter TaPaciente = new Pacientes_TCCTableAdapter();

            TaPaciente.Insert(txtNome.Text, txtCPF.Text, txtRG.Text, cbxSexo.Text, dtpData.Value, txtCidade.Text, txtEstado.Text, txtBairro.Text, txtCEP.Text,
                txtRua.Text, txtNumero.Text, txtCelular.Text, txtFixo.Text, txtEmail.Text, cbxConvenio.Text);

            if (MessageBox.Show("Pessoa gravado com o ID" +TaPaciente.UltimoID()+ " Deseja fazer outro cadastro?", "Confirma", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No)

  • I don’t quite understand, a field identity (auto increment) can only be primary key, not foreign...

  • Sorry, it was typo, the Id_patients field is Primary key.

  • I get it. Edit your question to leave no doubt.

  • But the message has nothing to do with select max, seems to be in Insert. Some field not null is valueless or the value of some FK is invalid. Have you tried debugging and see the values being passed to entity when doing the?

  • the insert works normally, although I’ve had trouble with it before, but after insertion I check the fields and this is okay, the Id_patients field and the Fk but it doesn’t go through the insert for being auto increment.

  • As @Ricardopunctual mentioned, the error is in your insert. A simple test is to replace the current parameters of your insertby fixed values.

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