What is the best database to store a list of information


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I am thinking of developing a project, in this case a website. I will need to have a database connection, I will opt for the mysql. On the site people could create an account, and later create a list of information about them.

Example of the list:

tenho isto
fiz aquilo
estudei alem
nasci aqui

Example of the Database:

Tabela User

Information Table


My question is what is the best way to store the list of information I thought of a table, but I think that in the future can go wrong. When the table Information start having a lot of data I can lose a lot of time in the queries. Is there any other way to do what I intend to do, without having this waste of time or had it not reflected? Or this way I think will always be the best?

I leave yet another question and I will take the example of facebook as all user information is stored, I think they should also have everything stored in a database, but only on a machine with an abnormal amount of processing, right?

  • Just create another table and can not save temporary can pop the database space has limit, recommend new table TabelaUser_temp blabla and then do Previous use merge is simple.

  • @Kingrider, I’m sorry but you could explain yourself better

  • #Tmc, talking about cache or buffer pool, does not have to explain very long, is intermediate mysql work innodb and myisam are different to create temporario (save), tb is different performance. If it is cloud that can work Oracle is faster performance and has no limit.

1 answer


The point is: Which database will I use, how structured my database is and how the application will act ?

One of the main factors that impact the performance of an SQL statement is the use of indexes, mainly in instructions that employ tables with a lot of data. This is such an important factor that the mere creation of an index can dramatically reduce the amount of internal steps in executing SQL statements. - source: Mauro Pichiliani

It turns out that this method that you quoted, is widely used, I particularly use it and never gave crap, look that were thousands of contents.


The database you will use, will be one of the biggest influences on the agility of the search, as well as choose the type of each column.

For example. The application can be stable with a few hundred data using Mysql. Postgresql may be better, but in this case it may not be necessary.

Another example is: Will the list have any maximum number of characters ? You should imagine which type you should use: Text, Tinytext, Mediumtext, Longtext and etc.


Another factor that can prevent a good functioning is how your application is;

For example: imagine that you only need to use the name of the person who pulled the list, the logic would be to use something like SELECT nome FROM tbl_lista;, if you use SELECT * FROM tbl_lista; the application will already lose in terms of performance, understands ?

See this image and reflect.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

There’s no secret. So in short, the way you want to do it has no problem, it will depend on how you will apply.

  • Are you then advising me to do it without fear, thinking that mysql will be able to do it, taking into account just a few details? @Mauroalexandre

  • Yes. It’s a well-thought out. At most it’s doing what the friend mentioned: create a temporary table and then transfer the data to the original. I used to do that, too. After X data , depending on the timestamp - average ; the next lists I called from the temporary table, after X time, I would bring from X in X temp lists to original.

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