Recover response from a post using guzzle


Viewed 285 times


I’m trying to catch the answer of a porst json with the guzzle in a simple php.

This is the function in a Laravel project that posts to a url. (I’m using var_dump to show the result in the terminal).

public function getPhotos($properties)
    $codes = [];
    foreach($properties as $property)
        $codes[$property['codigo']] = $property['cod_filial'];
    $client = new Client();
    $response = $client->request('POST', '', ['json' => \GuzzleHttp\json_encode($codes)]);
    var_dump($response); exit;

This is the php file mapped to

$input = file_get_contents('php://input');;
$input = json_decode($input);
echo $input;

The Guzzle restores me empty. Can anyone help me? Thank you

  • 2 different language and does not receive value at the same time, use $.ajax can help. Take the example:

  • But they are not different languages. Both are php.

  • I understand, but this using PDO? no and yet 2 language are different.

  • I got it. I just had to modify the $response for : $response->getBody()->getContents().

  • Good Ivan! You can close or delete ;)

1 answer


I got it. I just had to modify the $response for : $response->getBody()->getContents().

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