How to group SQL results by month and year?


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I would like to know how I can query the Mysql database and group the records by year and month.

At the moment I first make a query to get the year records, then for each year I use a for() to filter the results per month within that year. For example:

$ano = sql("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(dataCadastro) as 'ano' FROM tabela");

foreach ($ano as &$row) {
    $ano = $row['ano'];

    for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) {
        $item = sql("SELECT id, ... FROM tabela WHERE YEAR(dataCadastro) = '$ano' AND MONTH(dataCadastro) = '$i'");
        $row[$i] = $item;

Researching on the subject I saw that I could use GROUP BY, but when I try to use it, the query returns empty, even though I’m sure it would have results. For example:

$grupo = sql("SELECT id, ... FROM tabela"); //Retorna os dados corretamente
$grupo = sql("SELECT id, ... FROM tabela GROUP BY YEAR(dataCadastro)"); //Retorna vazio

The date in the database is like datetime, ex.: 2016-11-09 17:30:00

Is there any way to get this result using the GROUP BY? Because from the research I’ve done, I’ve observed that yes, but when I try to execute, I can’t get the results.

Remembering that the first way I showed (with the use of foreach) I can get the results as I wish, but I would like to simplify the process.

  • When you use the group by tried to run this query directly in the database? which version of Mysql vc uses?

  • @rray according to Wamp, this is the version: 5.7.14. When I run straight into the bank it also has an error, this is it: SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

  • You are using PDO?

  • @Virgilionovic yes.

  • @Celsomtrindade has a way of doing that the key would be the same, like ["012016"] => [[],[],[]] records would be separated by month and year within a key, it is more or less than needed?

  • @Virgilionovic if I understand correctly, yes. It would be to assemble a report, so I need to separate by year and month, where each month contains an array of records corresponding to that month. As I did in the first code example, I get this result, including generating an empty array if there are no records in that month.

  • Then you gave me extra information, the way I was going to give you would not be able to generate what is missing only what is on the table!

  • So this must be it, the group by Mysql is not ansi or in most of the fields you are obliged to group by all columns that are in select, this became valid in Mysql5.7.5 see in document, I believe that that be the problem. As a test try to group by all question columns in select.

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4 answers


The GROUP BY Mysql does not follow the ansi pattern, which means that in most databases there is a requirement to group all fields that are in the field list (after the word SELECT). This change occurred as of Mysql version 5.7.5.

Versions prior to 5.7.5

SELECT id, nome, email FROM tabela GROUP BY id

From 5.7.5 your consultation should stay:

SELECT id, nome, email FROM tabela GROUP BY id, nome, email.

The configuration name is ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY and can be disabled by setting the variable sql_mode


Mysql - Documentation




If you want to use aggregation, that’s basically it, but I don’t believe that’s what you’re actually looking for, if you’re going to use all the lines for reporting:

  SUM( `valor` ) AS total
  YEAR( `data` ), MONTH( `data` );

It worked locally in version 5.1.58, and in 5.6 in SQL Fiddle, follow link:! 9/f03c6/1

For versions 5.7.5 onwards, note the flag mentioned in the @rray response. You can run a SELECT @@version; to know which one you’re using.

About the apparent problem of the question

If you want all rows, to group only in the output, for example by PHP headers separating the blocks, use ORDER BY instead of GROUP BY:

  id, `data`
  YEAR( `data` ), MONTH( `data` );

Then just one if in the display loop to show the title only when changing the month and year. That’s the same issue here, with sample code:

Assemble news by grouping results by user class

(I didn’t even need to mention it so basic, but if you want to print out the empty months, it’s just a matter of putting a loop in place of the if)


The simplest way is to concatenate the month and year:

CONCAT( MONTH(data_criacao), '/', YEAR(data_criacao) ) AS data

this will produce something like:



SELECT extract(month FROM nome_campo) mes, extract(year FROM nome_campo) ano
FROM datas
GROUP BY extract(month FROM nome_campo), extract(year FROM nome_campo)

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