Call the USSD IONIC number


Viewed 410 times


I’m trying to call a number USSD of my application IONIC, follows the code I’m using:

<ion-item nav-clear menu-close href="tel:*000#">IOD</ion-item>

However it appears on the cell phone dialer only the number *000 ignoring the #, someone has been through this and knows how to solve?

  • 2

    The question is good, but it would be a violent security breach if USSD were allowed on this type of link. Probably only able to do it using some native function, and still may need OS permission. By USSD a malicious link could enable and disable services, redirect calls, intercept user calls, among several other undesirable things.

  • Wow, but would only with native app have how to do this?

1 answer


To make it functional you need to provide access in config.xml, add:

<access origin="tel:*" launch-external="yes"/>

Source: it1me.with

  • 1

    Guy even put this, but keeps making the same mistake...apparently not and this. Brigadão

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