How do I get parameters from a PUT request?


Viewed 570 times


I am starting to study Web Service and created an example of an API in REST. I am passing parameters via PUT to the API and picking up with the parse_str in PHP but what comes back to me is something completely different...

How do I get the parameters correctly to consume my API?

My code:

case "PUT":
        echo "PUT<br /><br />";

        echo "Inputs:<br/>";

        echo "<br/>JSON:<br/>";
        echo json_encode($put_vars);

        echo "<br/><br/>Array comum:<br/>";

Response print: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Form you send is as Multipart/form-date?

  • I’m actually using Postman to do the tests...

  • In Postman have the option to do with Multipart/form-data or send the request as raw. This is the last one you are using?

  • No, I checked here and the form-date option is checked

1 answer


You may not use multipart/form-data to send PUT or DELETE Postman have an option to send requests as raw (raw), use this way it should work

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