Instant Run message on Androidstudio


Viewed 73 times


I upgraded Androidstudio to 2.2.2 and the SDK to API 25, in build.gladle put targetSdkVersion 25.

When asked to run the application (physical device) appeared the following message:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

What needs to be installed? Will be installed to the IDE or device?

  • Click install and continue and install all the SDK needed for your Androidstudio to work. I suggest you check the link :

1 answer


The message indicates that you have not installed the emulator/device API version chosen to run the application.

In your case you chose an emulator/device with Android 5.1 (Lollipop), for Instantrun to install it is necessary that you install or have installed, on your computer, the API corresponding to that version, in this case the API Level 22.

If you choose the option Install and continue the installation is done automatically.

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