How to remove vector character by pressing Backspace on c


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Good evening... I am making an automatic login system and the validation worked agr the only problem is that it is not possible to delete the previous character if the user misses the letter, I would like to know how would the user event press the Backspace key to delete the wrong character Obs - code below

   #include <stdlib.h>
   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <windows.h>
   #include <string.h>
   char vetor[50];
   char user[]= "usuario";
   char senha[]= "senha";
   int i = 0, c, t=0, j=0, cont=0;

   int main(){

       void Validacao(char vetor[50],int valida, char desejado[50]);
       void ValidacaoSenha(char vetor[50],int valida, char desejado[50]);

       //para entrada e reconhecimento da senha versão 1.0
       printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLogin >> ");

   void Validacao(char vetor[50],int valida, char desejado[50]){

       int i = 0, c, t=0, j=0, cont=0;

           vetor[i] = c;

           printf("%c", vetor[i]);

               if(vetor[j] == desejado[j]){

       } while (t!=1);

1 answer


First of all, getch() and fflush(stdin) are two of the most harmful things in C; the first is not part of the pattern and the second generates undefined behavior. If the intention is to just read a user string, and then compare it to another string, there is no need to make character by character, do everything with same strings:

do {
    scanf(" %s", vetor);
} while(strcmp(vetor, desejado) != 0);

Note that the reading only happens after the user keystrokes Enter. And that also assumes that you won’t type more than 50 characters at a time.

  • 1

    Even better to say scanf(" %49s", vetor); that guarantor that the scanf() will not read more than 49 characters at once (leaving the 50th free to win the '\0' terminator).

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