Passing a variable within a precedent


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I have this project

procedure DocumentComplete(ASender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; const URL: OleVariant);

Now I need to use it in a loop by passing the count variable. I tried it as follows:

procedure DocumentComplete(ASender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; const URL: OleVariant; var contagem : Integer);

But it turns out that when I pass the variable, Procedure also asks for the other parameters Sender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; const URL: OleVariant that, between you and me, I have no idea what they are.

I program for a hobby and I’m doing a little project for a friend, please help me.
I can’t figure out what to do, I’m sure it’s something simple but I’ve been researching all day and I haven’t found a solution. What step in place of these parameters?.

Edit: This is the part where I use the loop to call the Procedure, each time it is called is a different browser used.

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  for contagem := 1 to StrtoInt(Edit1.Text) do
browsers[contagem].OnDocumentComplete := nil;

NavigationOK := true;

browsers[contagem].OnDocumentComplete := DocCompleteA;

Creation of browsers:

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
  for contagem := 1 to StrToInt(Edit1.Text) do
    campos[contagem] := TEdit.Create(self);
    campos[contagem].Parent := Form1;
    campos[contagem].Left := 150;
    campos[contagem].Top := 350;
    campos[contagem].Width := 600;
    browsers[contagem] := TWebBrowser.Create(Form1);
    TWinControl(browsers[contagem]).Parent := Form1;
    browsers[contagem].Align := alTop;
    browsers[contagem].Height := 300;
    browsers[contagem].Silent := true;
  • But is this a single-component event... if it’s a post here which one you’re using?.

  • @Yes, Ondocumentcomplete event of a Webbrowser, but this Webbrowser is created in Runtime, so I need the loop. The process will be executed once for each browser created

  • As you are handling this loop, you can post the source code in the question, so it would help the forum staff to better understand and help you. Hugs

  • @Jeffersonrudolf changed the question with the part where I call the loop with the file inside. If it’s not enough I can post the whole code. Sorry for the mess in formatting but I always mess around in this part rsrs

  • for each browser created, you treat a different way in the Doccompletaa function?... or it is the same for all browser created. If so, it is not necessary to pass a counting variable as parameter, for each loop it executes the event, got it... anything but talk

  • @Jeffersonrudolf Same task for each browser, the problem is that without passing the variable occurs an error of those complicated to know (rsrs), "Violation 0x00000" <- similar to this. Manually placing the number (browsers[1]...) makes the error stop, which made me assume that the error is being in the variable that is not being passed

  • There is a way to do exactly what you are asking, but I think there would be a less radical solution to your problem. To do what you are asking, simply create a class by inheriting from Twebbrowser, and overwrite the Property that receives the Ondocumentcomplete method by adding its new parameter. If you can’t solve the problem, we can try this solution.

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2 answers


Dear, Sender is the reference of the object making the request to the method, in this case it is Twebbrowser itself.

procedure TForm1.OnDocumentComplete(
  Sender: TObject;
  const pDisp: IDispatch;
  var URL: OleVariant);
  currentBrowser: IWebBrowser;
  topBrowser: IWebBrowser;
  document: OleVariant;
  windowName: string;
  currentBrowser := pDisp as IWebBrowser;
  topBrowser := (Sender as TWebBrowser).DefaultInterface;
  if currentBrowser = topBrowser then
     ShowMessage('Browser que completou:' tag:'+IntToStr(TWebBrowser(Sender).tag));
    document := currentBrowser.Document;
    windowName := document.ParentWindow.Name;
    //ShowMessage(Format('Frame "%s" was loaded', [windowName]));

Observe the property TAG in the creation of Webs browsers:

procedure TForm1.BotaoCriaBrowsersClick(Sender: TObject);
  for contagem := 0 to StrToInt(Edit1.Text)-1 do
    browsers[contagem] := TWebBrowser.Create(Form1);
    TWinControl(browsers[contagem]).Parent := Form1;
    browsers[contagem].Align := alTop;
    browsers[contagem].Height := 100;
    browsers[contagem].Tag := contagem;
    browsers[contagem].OnDocumentComplete:= Form1.OnDocumentComplete;

Main lines for understanding the example:

browsers[contagem].Tag := contagem;
browsers[contagem].OnDocumentComplete:= Form1.OnDocumentComplete;

That way I used the property tag to store the browser’s position in array.

Suggestion to see more about Twebbrowser:


Try it like this

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  iCont,iContagem: Integer;      
  iCont := StrToInt(Edit1.Text);
  for iContagem := 0 to iCont-1 do
    browsers[iContagem].OnDocumentComplete := nil;
    NavigationOK := true;
    browsers[iContagem].OnDocumentComplete := DocCompleteA;
  • Access Violation at address 005E9DFF in module... if I pass the value manually it works, which leads me to believe that the problem is to pass even the variable

  • As such creating the browsers in Runtime?

  • I have a button for this. "Client" wants to choose the both of Simultaneos browsers. The button simply creates the browsers.

  • You can post on the question, such as creating it in execution mode.

  • 1

    It’s already there, buddy

  • I’ll have to put together something similar to what you’re talking about, to get an idea.

  • I can put all the code in Pastebin if you want

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