The Entity type 'Personal' is part of a Hierarchy, but does not have a discriminator value configured


Viewed 116 times


I am trying to generate Migrations using the command:

dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration --context MyContext 

and the same is returning me the following message.

System.Invalidoperationexception: The Entity type 'Personal' is part of a Hierarchy, but does not have a discriminator value configured.

In my classes I own PessoaFisica and PessoaJuridica inheriting from Pessoa and Funcionario inheriting from PessoaFisica (public class Funcionario : PessoaFisica).

  • Put all these classes, including how map (settings) I still don’t know if it works on core, there are things that still don’t work!

1 answer


  • I am using Entityframework Core. I do not have Entity<>(). MAP<>()

  • Ok. So probably this is what’s missing: modelBuilder.Entity<Funcionario>() . Hasdiscriminator<string>("Type") . Hasvalue<Employee>("FUNC");

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