Good morning, I’m having a problem in my php application because it is appearing to me like this:
When I select deficient registration Visual and continue the registration form and click register it simply does not work and sends me this message:
Somebody help me solve this problem!
http://pastebin.com/mqvhWjSH/? e=1
– Carlos Eduardo Ferreira
Follow the cad_alunno form (student registration form.php)
– Carlos Eduardo Ferreira
Mauro on which line pf!
– Carlos Eduardo Ferreira
Could you put the source code in the question?
– rray
I put via Pastebin.com
– Carlos Eduardo Ferreira
So Mauro: <form name="form" novalidate class="form-horizontal" method="POST" action="processes/proc_cad_student.php">
– Carlos Eduardo Ferreira
Vlw worked thank you
– Carlos Eduardo Ferreira
I added as an answer to help anyone who has the same question in the future.
– Mauro Alexandre