how to change include references in classes created by Qxorm Editor?


Viewed 28 times


I started today programming using Qxorm for persistence layer for testing, and as I use the eclipse for all my projects, I immediately created a first test project importing into Eclipse.

But the classes created in the file .cpp refer to the header files .h so when imported in eclipse, where I am referencing the folder src and include source, it does not find headers.

Follow below image that shows directory structure to become clearer and then a couple of files from an entity:

Estrutura de Diretórios

File . h

** File created by QxEntityEditor 1.1.9 (2016/11/07 19:30) : please, do NOT modify this file ! **


#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
#include "../include/teste_precompiled_header.gen.h" // Need to include precompiled header for the generated moc file
#endif // Q_MOC_RUN

namespace iep {
namespace portal {
class Professor;
} // namespace portal
} // namespace iep

namespace iep {
namespace portal {

class TESTE_EXPORT Aluno : public QObject, public qx::IxPersistable




   typedef qx::QxCollection<long, boost::shared_ptr<iep::portal::Professor> > type_professores;


   long m_id;
   QString m_nome;
   QString m_sobrenome;
   QString m_email;
   QString m_apelido;
   type_professores m_professores;


   Aluno(const long & id);
   virtual ~Aluno();

   long getid() const;
   QString getnome() const;
   QString getsobrenome() const;
   QString getemail() const;
   QString getapelido() const;
   type_professores getprofessores() const;
   type_professores & professores();
   const type_professores & professores() const;

   void setid(const long & val);
   void setnome(const QString & val);
   void setsobrenome(const QString & val);
   void setemail(const QString & val);
   void setapelido(const QString & val);
   void setprofessores(const type_professores & val);

   type_professores getprofessores(bool bLoadFromDatabase, const QString & sAppendRelations = QString(), QSqlDatabase * pDatabase = NULL, QSqlError * pDaoError = NULL);
   type_professores & professores(bool bLoadFromDatabase, const QString & sAppendRelations = QString(), QSqlDatabase * pDatabase = NULL, QSqlError * pDaoError = NULL);


   static QString relation_professores() { return "professores"; }


   static QString column_id() { return "id"; }
   static QString column_nome() { return "nome"; }
   static QString column_sobrenome() { return "sobrenome"; }
   static QString column_email() { return "email"; }
   static QString column_apelido() { return "apelido"; }


   static QString table_name() { return "Aluno"; }


typedef qx_shared_ptr<Aluno> Aluno_ptr;
typedef qx::QxCollection<long, Aluno_ptr> list_of_Aluno;
typedef qx_shared_ptr<list_of_Aluno> list_of_Aluno_ptr;

} // namespace portal
} // namespace iep

QX_REGISTER_COMPLEX_CLASS_NAME_HPP_TESTE(iep::portal::Aluno, QObject, 0, iep_portal_Aluno)

#include "../include/iep_portal_Professor.gen.h"

#include "../custom/include/iep_portal_Aluno.h"


cpp file:

** File created by QxEntityEditor 1.1.9 (2016/11/07 19:30) : please, do NOT modify this file ! **

#include "../include/teste_precompiled_header.gen.h"

#include "../include/iep_portal_Aluno.gen.h"
#include "../include/iep_portal_Professor.gen.h"

#include <QxMemLeak.h>

QX_REGISTER_COMPLEX_CLASS_NAME_CPP_TESTE(iep::portal::Aluno, iep_portal_Aluno)

namespace qx {

template <>
void register_class(QxClass<iep::portal::Aluno> & t)
   qx::IxDataMember * pData = NULL; Q_UNUSED(pData);
   qx::IxSqlRelation * pRelation = NULL; Q_UNUSED(pRelation);
   qx::IxFunction * pFct = NULL; Q_UNUSED(pFct);
   qx::IxValidator * pValidator = NULL; Q_UNUSED(pValidator);


   pData = iep::portal::Aluno::m_id, "id", 0);

   pData = iep::portal::Aluno::m_nome, "nome", 0, true, true);
   pData = iep::portal::Aluno::m_sobrenome, "sobrenome", 0, true, true);
   pData = iep::portal::Aluno::m_email, "email", 0, true, true);
   pData = iep::portal::Aluno::m_apelido, "apelido", 0, true, true);

   pRelation = t.relationManyToMany(& iep::portal::Aluno::m_professores, "professores", "t_qxee_Professor_Aluno", "idprofessor", "idAluno", 0);

   qx::QxValidatorX<iep::portal::Aluno> * pAllValidator = t.getAllValidator(); Q_UNUSED(pAllValidator);

} // namespace qx

namespace iep {
namespace portal {


Aluno::Aluno() : m_id(0) { ; }

Aluno::Aluno(const long & id) : m_id(id) { ; }

Aluno::~Aluno() { ; }

long Aluno::getid() const { return m_id; }

QString Aluno::getnome() const { return m_nome; }

QString Aluno::getsobrenome() const { return m_sobrenome; }

QString Aluno::getemail() const { return m_email; }

QString Aluno::getapelido() const { return m_apelido; }

Aluno::type_professores Aluno::getprofessores() const { return m_professores; }

Aluno::type_professores & Aluno::professores() { return m_professores; }

const Aluno::type_professores & Aluno::professores() const { return m_professores; }

void Aluno::setid(const long & val) { m_id = val; }

void Aluno::setnome(const QString & val) { m_nome = val; }

void Aluno::setsobrenome(const QString & val) { m_sobrenome = val; }

void Aluno::setemail(const QString & val) { m_email = val; }

void Aluno::setapelido(const QString & val) { m_apelido = val; }

void Aluno::setprofessores(const Aluno::type_professores & val) { m_professores = val; }

Aluno::type_professores Aluno::getprofessores(bool bLoadFromDatabase, const QString & sAppendRelations /* = QString() */, QSqlDatabase * pDatabase /* = NULL */, QSqlError * pDaoError /* = NULL */)
   if (pDaoError) { (* pDaoError) = QSqlError(); }
   if (! bLoadFromDatabase) { return getprofessores(); }
   QString sRelation = "professores";
   if (! sAppendRelations.isEmpty() && ! sAppendRelations.startsWith("->") && ! sAppendRelations.startsWith(">>")) { sRelation += "->" + sAppendRelations; }
   else if (! sAppendRelations.isEmpty()) { sRelation += sAppendRelations; }
   iep::portal::Aluno tmp;
   tmp.m_id = this->m_id;
   QSqlError daoError = qx::dao::fetch_by_id_with_relation(sRelation, tmp, pDatabase);
   if (! daoError.isValid()) { this->m_professores = tmp.m_professores; }
   if (pDaoError) { (* pDaoError) = daoError; }
   return m_professores;

Aluno::type_professores & Aluno::professores(bool bLoadFromDatabase, const QString & sAppendRelations /* = QString() */, QSqlDatabase * pDatabase /* = NULL */, QSqlError * pDaoError /* = NULL */)
   if (pDaoError) { (* pDaoError) = QSqlError(); }
   if (! bLoadFromDatabase) { return professores(); }
   QString sRelation = "professores";
   if (! sAppendRelations.isEmpty() && ! sAppendRelations.startsWith("->") && ! sAppendRelations.startsWith(">>")) { sRelation += "->" + sAppendRelations; }
   else if (! sAppendRelations.isEmpty()) { sRelation += sAppendRelations; }
   iep::portal::Aluno tmp;
   tmp.m_id = this->m_id;
   QSqlError daoError = qx::dao::fetch_by_id_with_relation(sRelation, tmp, pDatabase);
   if (! daoError.isValid()) { this->m_professores = tmp.m_professores; }
   if (pDaoError) { (* pDaoError) = daoError; }
   return m_professores;

} // namespace portal
} // namespace iep

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