Adding JSF in java project


Viewed 416 times


I created a Maven project in Intellij IDEA 2016.2, defined it as a Web Application, and later installed JSF.

Before installing the JSF the framework added the index.jsp file, which works normally, after adding the JSF created a new file called index.xhtml, but when trying to open it the Tomcat returns me:

HTTP Status 404 - type Status report


Description The requested Resource is not available.

Apache Tomcat/9.0.0.M11


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""



        <!-- HIBERNATE -->



        <!-- JAVAX SERVLET -->

        <!-- JSF -->

        <!-- JSTL -->


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • how so, you installed JSF? publish your POM.xml and print the structure of your project, including your LIB.

  • Marcos, I added the requested information.

  • the answer may help.

1 answer


Well, I don’t understand the version of your JSF dependency. Try replacing it with the following (or you can choose another one from the Maven repository).


Another thing I noticed is that if it’s a Maven project, your views shouldn’t be in the folder webapp?

Following the directory logic:

  • src/main/java: package-organized application source code;
  • src/main/Resources: resources the application needs;
  • src/main/webapp: directory for web applications, web.xml, images,
    HTML and XHTM’s;
  • src/test/java: unit tests;

Also check if in the configuration file web.xml is this way:

    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

The *.xhtml says that the index to be searched will be the index.xhtml and not the .jsp

PS - The JSF -Java Server Faces not installed, it is only a specification. It is in charge of the implementations, for example Mojarra and Myfaces, make available their libraries that meet this JCP standard.

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