Tools and tests to improve a system’s security?


Viewed 491 times


Hello, researching a little on the subject of security, I was in doubt if there is a tool that tests the security of a PHP system, trying to apply various forms of invasion in the system. 'Cause I wanted to know if my systems are safe, I use best practices on security issues, but I’ve never seen them working.

Is there a tool that automatically does hacking tests? Like SQL and XSS injection attacks. If so, how do you use it? (short explanation)

  • 1

    I use the Acunetix for quick testing on my websites, it has numerous tools included, if you want to know more about it, please go to the website and request a trial version. Sorry I can’t give you more details.

  • 1

    Acunetix can be expensive for many people, although they offer a much cheaper online mode. But, what is more intriguing is that the trial version has a restriction and can only be used five pre-defined addresses that are from Acunetix itself, but there is a "bug" that allows you to use anyone. It’s strange for software to seek vulnerability to be so vulnerable.

1 answer


There are several tools. They test the application and the WEB server, regardless of the language in which it was developed.

To test, simply enter the URL and type of tests.

NOTE: The free versions have limitations, but already help a lot to identify security holes in the application and server.

Follow some of them:

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