Do not repeat data when making a SELECT in Mysql


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What I want is this. I’m working on a system, which registers an employee and days that he worked on during the month. So far so good, but it happens that in some cases, the employee gets 2 or more records in the same month, for example, I registered, between days 21 e 25 of May, and 28 e 30 of May. Right on my table there are the following records:

1 - Funcionario1 - 5 (dias) - 5 (mês de maio)
2 - Funcionario1 - 3 (dias) - 5 (mês de maio)

All right, now what I need to do is calculate the total number of days in the middle of May that this employee worked. I get more or less with this code:

for($i=0; $i<$mesatual; $i++) {
            echo "<h2>Plantões / ".$meses[$i]."</h2><br><br>";

            $query = "SELECT diasplantao.*, funcionarios.nome, funcionarios.atribuicao FROM diasplantao "
                    . "INNER JOIN funcionarios ON (diasplantao.funcionario_id = funcionarios.funcionario_id) WHERE (diasplantao.mes = $i+1) "
                    . "ORDER BY funcionarios.atribuicao DESC";

            $resultado = mysql_query($query);

            while($mostrar=mysql_fetch_array($resultado)) {
                echo "<b>Nome:</b> ".$mostrar['nome']." -- ";
                echo "<b>Atribuição:</b> ".$mostrar['atribuicao']." -- ";
                echo "<b>Mês:</b> ".$mostrar['mes']." -- ";
                echo "<b>Dias:</b> ".$mostrar['dias']."<br><br>";


The code shows the month, and just below the days the employees worked that month. Only that it returns me this, in the month of March for example.

Nome: George Cruijff Sales da Costa -- Atribuição: Analista -- Mês: 3 -- Dias: 12

Nome: George Cruijff Sales da Costa -- Atribuição: Analista -- Mês: 3 -- Dias: 10

How do I not repeat the name, and how do I best calculate the total days? I was thinking of just putting an auxiliary variable and adding, but the name will keep repeating.

Someone lights up the best way to do it?

  • Ever tried to give a group by in the funcionarios.nome?

  • I used GROUPY BY and got it, but now as I do to make the sum, I don’t know if my code got confused, but I can’t do the sum.

  • And if there are two 'João da Silva' working in the company?

  • I don’t have to worry about it because I know it won’t happen. But as a precaution I grouped by employee id. The problem even now is just the sum. I can’t make a mistake in this sum at all.

  • Beware that it can happen yes (you never know). But the ideal is to group by some property that is unique (id serves).

  • Grouped by id already. Thanks =D

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1 answer


You must use the SUM to sum up the days and the GROUP to bring together the grouped lines

SELECT diasplantao.mes, 
       SUM(diasplantao.dias) as dias,,
    INNER JOIN funcionarios ON (diasplantao.funcionario_id = funcionarios.funcionario_id) 
    (diasplantao.mes = $i+1)
GROUP BY, diasplantao.mes, funcionarios.nome, funcionarios.atribuicao 
    funcionarios.atribuicao DESC
  • It was perfect, thank you. Just one last question, why use groupby for month, name, and attribution too? Only id not enough? Thanks!

  • Firebird used to complain about campo X não é agregatte e não está presente na cláusula GROUP BY From there I created the practice of grouping all the uncompleted fields. I don’t know if Mysql wouldn’t complain, but to have a standard SQL I ended up adopting this habit. So, if Mysql does not complain, I believe there is no problem

  • Got it, thanks! Thanks.

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