How to compare two Arraylist and get the values shared by both?


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I own two classes, they are:

Filtrocity class:

public class FiltroCidade {

    private int idCandidato;
    private List<String> cidades;

    public FiltroCidade(){ }

    public int getIdCandidato() {
        return idCandidato;

    public void setIdCandidato(int idCandidato) {
        this.idCandidato = idCandidato;

    public void addCidade(String cidade) {

    public List<String> getCidades() {
        return cidades;

Vagaemprego Class:

public class VagaEmprego {    
    private String nomeVaga;
    private String cidade;

    public VagaEmprego() { }    

    public VagaEmprego(String nomeVaga, String cidade) {        
        this.nomeVaga = nomeVaga;
        this.cidade = cidade;

    public String getNomeVaga() {
        return nomeVaga;

    public void setNomeVaga(String nomeVaga) {
        this.nomeVaga = nomeVaga;

    public String getCidade() {
        return cidade;

    public void setCidade(String cidade) {
        this.cidade = cidade;

And I own a ArrayList populated, he is:

Arraylist vacant:

List<VagaEmprego> vagas = new ArrayList<>();
vagas.add(new VagaEmprego("Programador C", "Cruzeiro"));
vagas.add(new VagaEmprego("Programador Delphi", "Queluz"));
vagas.add(new VagaEmprego("Administrador", "Acre"));
vagas.add(new VagaEmprego("Programador Java", "Guaratingueta"));

And I have several cities added in the attribute cidades of my class FiltroCidade, see:

FiltroCidade filtroCidade = new FiltroCidade();

How can I get the vacancies where cities are the same as the attribute cidades class FiltroCidade?

1 answer


With Java 8 you can solve using expression lambda to filter only the records in which the city is contained within the array city filter.

List<VagaEmprego> encontradas = vagas
        .filter(p -> filtroCidade

From the Java 5 you can use the predicate method.

According to Article Filtering Results (Predicates) - Java 8

... Methods that perform element evaluation are known as predicates, which in Java is represented by the class Predicate and contains the filter method...

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;

public interface Predicado<T> {

  boolean aplicar(T tipo);

  public static <T> Collection<T> filtrar(Collection<T> colecao, Predicado<T> predicado) {
    Collection<T> resultado = new ArrayList<>();

    for (T elemento : colecao) {
      if (predicado.aplicar(elemento)) {

    return resultado;

And using:

Predicado<VagaEmprego> predicado = new Predicado<VagaEmprego>() {
  public boolean aplicar(VagaEmprego vaga) {
    return filtroCidade.getCidades().contains(vaga.getCidade());

Collection<VagaEmprego> encontradas = Predicado.filtrar(vagas, predicado);

In earlier versions you can filter as follows:

List<VagaEmprego> encontradas = new ArrayList<>();

for (VagaEmprego vaga : vagas) {
  if (filtroCidade.getCidades().contains(vaga.getCidade())) {
  • "From the Java 5" => Wasn’t it a typo? Should have left 8 no?

  • @Jeffersonquesado no. The Java 8 solution is the first. The second works from the same 5

  • 1

    I was referring to the second paragraph, the first after the first block of code and before the quote, which you say can "use the predicate method". It seems to me that you typed from the number pad and hit a key below the 8, but I’m not sure. Paragraph in full: "From the Java 5 you can use the predicate method."

  • @Not Jeffersonquesado, it’s Java 5. The predicate method is what I described just below this text, which works from Java 5. The intention is to offer a solution from 5 to 7 and another from 8

  • 1

    I get it now, thanks. One thing that was not clear to me was to use the static method in interface, I remembered it only in Java 8. But it is trivial to change to abstract class, confirmed my suspicion

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