Binding from a Code-Behind List? Silverlight


Viewed 21 times


Would anyone know how I can Binding a generic list in code Behind?

I had to create my Expanderview by code-Behind and have to Binding a property from my list to a Grid update according to the color I Seto in Viewmodel.

Follow the code below:

    private List<InventarioDto> _lstInventario;
    public List<InventarioDto> LstInventario
        get { return _lstInventario; }
            _lstInventario = value;
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => RaisePropertyChanged("LstInventario"));

My Class:

public class InventarioDto : ObservableObject

    private string CorField;

    public string Cor
            return this.CorField;
            if ((object.ReferenceEquals(this.CorField, value) != true))
                this.CorField = value;



Load event that loads stackePanel:

    public async void LstTreeView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)


            int id = int.Parse(ViewModel.IdLocal);

            await ViewModel.GetItensPorLocal(id);

            for (int i = 0; i < ViewModel.LstTreeView.Count(); i++)
                ExpanderView expanderView = new ExpanderView();

                expanderView.Header = ViewModel.LstTreeView[i].Itens;
                expanderView.FontSize = 26;

                long[] result = ViewModel.LstInventario.OrderBy(x => x.NumeroPatrimonio).Where(x => x.Itens == expanderView.Header.ToString()).Select(x => x.NumeroPatrimonio).ToArray();

                for (int a = 0; a < result.Length; a++)
                    Grid grid = new Grid();
                    grid.Name = $"txtTreeView{i}{a}";

                    InventarioDto model = ViewModel.LstInventario[a];

                    grid.SetBinding(Grid.BackgroundProperty, new Binding("Cor")
                        Source = model,
                        UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.Default,


                    TextBlock BlockTreeView = new TextBlock();

                    BlockTreeView.FontSize = 26;
                    BlockTreeView.Text = "Nº Patrimônio: " + result[a].ToString();





        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception(ex.Message);


My shampoo:

                    <StackPanel Name="stckTreeView" Loaded="LstTreeView_Loaded">

  • I tested your code and it’s OK. What may be wrong is the value that is in the Color property of your Viewmodel object.Lstinventario[a]. The name of the color should be in English, which works. It actually worked with "Blue" and "Blue"

  • I am setting the value "Blue" and is not working, when I test on a property that is not a List works, just does not work with my list.

  • What does this grid object have to do with your Listbox? It’s too big to create Listbox to post code?

  • I put the whole code, is a dynamical Expanderview just missing to make this color update in my View

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