How to update Gem in windows?


Viewed 992 times


My problem is I can’t update gem

I lowered the rubyInstaller tried running command to update:

gem update rails --no-document

But unfortunately no update gives error:

gem update rails --no-document
Updating installed gems
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
    SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed (

I searched online but no help was clear! Does anyone know any tutorial on how to make it work?

I appreciate the help!

  • What is your version of Gem? (gem --version)

2 answers


When I had this problem I solved using this tutorial, but nowadays for Windows I prefer to use Jruby, let alone headaches.

  • This link may be a good suggestion, but your reply will not be valid if one day the link crashes. In addition, it is important for the community to have content right here on the site. It would be better to include more details in your response. A summary of the content of the link would be helpful enough! Learn more about it in this item of our Community FAQ: We want answers that contain only links?


I believe your problem is solved by reinstalling rubygems:

  1. Download the Rubygems in zip format
  2. Access the directory where you unzipped rubygems
  3. Execute ruby setup.rb
  4. Test running the update gem install --system

I also installed the Devkit.

  1. Download, unzip and access the folder.
  2. Execute the commands ruby dk.rb init and ruby dk.rb install inside the folder in which Devkit was unpacked.

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