Scheduling service in Azure


Viewed 38 times


Hello, does anyone know how to schedule the daily running of an . exe in Azure? I have an email notifier that needs to run every day, is a C# project that generates an executable and would like to put it in Azure and leave running every morning.

I don’t have a VPS or how to leave it on my local machine because I can’t leave it on 24/7. It would be something similar to windows scheduling.

  • I found a post about background services in Azure, I will test and if it works here:

1 answer


I managed to configure following the tutorial here. Within the Application Services in Azure simply click on "Web Jobs" and fill in the following form:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

It allows you to send the zip with the . exe and choose the trigger shape, in my case it was Scheduled and the periodicity is specified based on a cron expression, to run every day at 6:30 am:

0 30 6 * * *

I did so but can be done using the Azure scheduler interface:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The cool thing is you can view the logs too. I saw that it allows you to also call other types of files: bat, js, py, cmd.

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