take input values


Viewed 1,330 times


I needed to create a code to generate inputs dynamically, below is the code: HTML

<div id="divProdutoBase" style="display:none;">
    Telefone: <input type="text" id="produto[]" name="produto[]" ng-model="telefones" />

    <input type="button" value="Remover" onclick="produtoList.remove(this.parentNode)" />

<div id="divProdutoList">
<input type="button" value="Adicionar Produto" onclick="produtoList.insert()" />

<input type="button" value="fones" ng-click="fones()" />


// fora do fiddle, você pode trocar a linha abaixo por "var produtoList = {"
var produtoList = {
    'init': function () {
        this.divProdutoList = document.getElementById('divProdutoList');
        this.divProdutoBase = document.getElementById('divProdutoBase');

    'insert': function () {
        var newDiv = this.divProdutoBase.cloneNode(true);
        newDiv.style.display = '';
        console.log('newDiv => ', newDiv);

    'remove': function (el) {

is working all right, my doubt is how to pick up input values, I tried to use the following method:

  $scope.fones = function () {
    var fff = document.getElementById('produto[]').value;

but it didn’t work

  • Cade o Angularjs ?

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1 answer


If you are using angular, as the last snippet of code posted in the question suggests, the value will be in the variable used in ng-model. Then it would look like this:

$scope.fones = function () {
  var fff = $scope.telefones;


Apparently the way below your code will work correctly:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="">
  <body id="body">
        Produto: <input type="text" id="produto[]" name="produto[]"/>
        Valor: <input type="text" name="valor[]" />
        <input type="button" value="Remover" onclick="produtoList.remove(this.parentNode)" />
        <div id="divProdutoList">
        <input type="button" value="Adicionar Produto" onclick="produtoList.insert()" />
        <input type="button" value="Testar" onclick="produtoList.teste()" />

    <script type="text/javascript">
      produtoList = {
          'init': function()
              this.divProdutoList = document.getElementById('divProdutoList');
              this.divProdutoBase = document.getElementById('divProdutoBase');

          'insert': function()
              var newDiv = this.divProdutoBase.cloneNode(true);
              newDiv.style.display = '';
              console.log('newDiv => ', newDiv);

          'remove': function(el)
          'teste': function()
  • So Sorack, in the view I did it {{phones}}, but when filling in the input, nothing appears, had tried this method q you said, but it didn’t work, axo q the angular is not picking up the values, so I tried to pick up the values with JS, but did not give.

  • You can put the full example in a Fiddler so we can diagnose the problem?

  • Sorack, this is the first time you’ve put in Fiddler, I don’t know how to put the controller code, so put it with js, help me please:https://jsfiddle.net/kpgtoe6d/

  • So, to post in Fiddler you have to put the full content of the file. For example: in html you have to have the imports and everything, got?

  • got it, it’s me using an angular theme, and it’s confusing the Imports, but with the code q posted, it’s already generating the fields.

  • I have this example here tb, http://jsfiddle.net/andersondanilo/7JPrW/, if you can get the data with JS in it.

  • So, it is that the fields will appear but the angular will not work without the module structure and everything. But I already see how to do here

  • Take a look at Edit 1

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